Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 4 '09 eng>eng this is due to that... "the fact" is called for idiomatically, not grammatically pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '08 eng>eng ghost image الصورة الشـبحية pro closed no
4 Jun 15 '08 eng>eng talent a person who is hired to perform a task requiring (usually, but not necessarily, artisitic) talent pro closed ok
4 Dec 9 '07 eng>eng person who is in the business of constructing and then selling buildings. developer pro closed no
4 Nov 15 '06 eng>eng the Crown That would somewhat depend on your target language pro closed no
4 Oct 14 '06 eng>eng schl'bgr Schlumberger pro closed ok
4 Aug 9 '06 eng>eng Pro-Am Professional-Amateur pro closed ok
4 Jul 31 '06 eng>eng DESTAIN disdain pro closed no
- Jun 8 '06 eng>eng until recently "we did not eat" or "we had not been eating," depneding on how the word "recently" is construed. pro closed no
- Apr 24 '06 eng>eng You will please take notice that Notice that pro closed no
4 Mar 10 '06 eng>eng LE livre égyptien pro closed ok
4 Feb 20 '06 eng>eng Engineers Forum formally correct pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '05 eng>eng trimming in ØãÓ pro closed no
4 Jul 23 '05 eng>eng indiscernible / indistinguishable. Close, but not the same pro closed ok
4 Jul 23 '05 eng>eng moral / ethical In most contexts, people use these terms fairly interchangeably. pro closed ok
4 May 30 '05 eng>eng Help with a sentence I see a couple of possibilities pro closed no
4 Apr 24 '05 eng>eng fall devices fall protection devices pro closed no
- Mar 23 '05 eng>eng It's an odd duck of a book It's an odd book pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '05 eng>eng public vs. general prosecutor In which country? pro closed no
4 Mar 8 '05 eng>eng It Respcting your second question: Dangling modifier pro closed ok
4 Feb 1 '05 eng>eng files both pro closed no
- Jun 22 '04 eng>eng QISSP Qualified Information Security Systems Professional pro closed ok
4 Apr 1 '04 eng>eng when pigs fly Never pro closed ok
- Mar 14 '04 eng>eng destination location pro closed ok
4 Mar 12 '04 eng>eng what should happen to you What you should expect pro closed ok
4 Mar 12 '04 eng>eng who does who uses one of the care services listed in this leaflet pro closed ok
- Mar 11 '04 eng>eng look modestly vs with a modest face a modest appearance, modest visage, or modest countenance pro closed ok
4 Mar 11 '04 eng>eng as the film If necessary. pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '04 eng>eng chicest / most chic? the most elegant, the most sophisticated, le plus chic pro closed no
4 Mar 7 '04 eng>eng orthotist a specialist in he science that deals with ... pro closed no
4 Mar 7 '04 eng>eng it's never been easier to make the most of your library service. It is now as easy as it has ever been to benefit the most from the services of this (your) library pro closed ok
- Mar 6 '04 eng>eng sailing question You can,... pro closed ok
- Mar 5 '04 eng>eng genitive of actress actress's dress pro closed ok
4 Mar 2 '04 eng>eng How do we address Sheik Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum (UAE, Minister of Finance a Your Highness pro closed ok
- Mar 1 '04 eng>eng low triple-digit million US dollar figures The closer you get to 350 mil, the closer you will be to the mid triple digit million pro closed no
- Feb 29 '04 eng>eng Girls who made out in the indoor show were pretty hard up.\ Please post one expression at a time easy closed no
4 Feb 27 '04 eng>eng gourmet peanut butter-and-plantain sandwiches a fruit resembling bananas easy closed no
4 Feb 26 '04 eng>eng I make sure I'm finishing a phone call' when I open the door. She pretends she has a busy life easy closed no
- Feb 26 '04 eng>eng Her looks were totally predictable there was nothing original about her looks easy closed ok
- Feb 26 '04 eng>eng alternate universe hypothetical universe easy closed no
- Feb 26 '04 eng>eng phantom lover imaginary lover easy closed ok
- Feb 26 '04 eng>eng perfect on paper perfect theoretically easy closed no
4 Feb 26 '04 eng>eng function display Something displayed for a particular occasion pro closed no
4 Feb 26 '04 eng>eng get intoxicated Yes easy closed no
4 Feb 26 '04 eng>eng everything but everything except sex easy closed no
- Feb 26 '04 eng>eng your interesting take on European geography Yes, teasing easy closed no
4 Feb 26 '04 eng>eng But it's more than I can say for you But you didn't know even that much. easy closed no
- Feb 26 '04 eng>eng I think I'm making an ass of myself or worse easy closed no
4 Feb 26 '04 eng>eng better style How can we tell? easy closed no
- Feb 26 '04 eng>eng My heart flew up into my mouth I panicked easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered