Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 25 eng>pol Certificate confirming Academic Document Poświadczające dokument edukacyjny albo dokument szkolny pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '20 pol>eng ruski (vs rosyjski) Ruthenian pro closed no
4 Mar 26 '18 eng>pol popcorn ceiling Baranek pro closed ok
- Feb 5 '17 eng>pol suprapatellar bursa Nadrzepkowa kaletka (maziowa) pro open no
4 Oct 13 '16 pol>eng salceson Country style head cheese pro closed no
- Mar 31 '16 eng>pol underlying autoimmune disease Choroba o podłożu autoimmunologicznym pro closed ok
4 Jan 1 '16 pol>eng rzut rysunku technicznego technical drawing projection pro closed ok
4 Dec 29 '15 eng>pol suspended sentence order wyrok w zawieszeniu, warunkowe zawieszenie pro closed no
4 Oct 29 '15 pol>eng Etymology of the verb to be, być explained below pro closed no
3 Oct 29 '15 pol>eng odwilż (jako fenoment w polskiej polityce po 1956) the Thaw pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '15 pol>eng zdecydować się na wędrówkę decide on the trek pro closed no
- Feb 27 '14 pol>eng Rolety okienne window shades pro closed ok
3 Jan 23 '14 eng>pol is located znajdujący się pro closed no
4 Jun 26 '13 pol>eng infrastruktura państwa vs infrastruktura publiczna state vs. public infrastructure or government vs. public infrastructure pro closed ok
- May 21 '13 eng>pol Per: za pro closed ok
4 May 6 '13 eng>pol I don't feel Jewish jak Żyd pro closed no
- Aug 17 '12 eng>pol Coolest, but warmest friends najfajniejsi i najbardziej serdeczni pro closed no
- Jun 29 '12 pol>eng urbanistyka obiektu urban aspects of design pro closed ok
- Jun 29 '12 pol>eng urbanistyka obiektu Urban design of a building pro closed ok
4 May 11 '12 pol>eng solanki siarczkowe sulfide salines pro closed no
- Mar 10 '12 pol>eng pojedyncze wykwity o charakterze alergicznym singular eruptions with allergy features pro just_closed no
- Mar 10 '12 pol>eng pojedyncze wykwity o charakterze alergicznym single eruptions with allergy features pro just_closed no
4 Mar 9 '12 eng>pol medical oncologist specjalista onkolog pro closed no
4 Mar 9 '12 eng>pol He claims a scorpion as a dependent w podatkach zeznaje, że ma na utrzymaniu prawdziwego skorpiona pro closed no
4 May 19 '11 eng>pol Pâtissier i confectioner ciastkarz i cukiernik pro closed ok
4 Mar 15 '11 pol>eng Kasacja samochodu / wagonu totalling pro closed ok
- Feb 15 '11 eng>pol ratify ratyfikować pro closed ok
4 Nov 7 '10 eng>pol jack-knifing składać się pro closed no
- Nov 7 '10 eng>pol stockkeeper of a warehouse zaopatrzeniowiec magazynu pro closed ok
4 Nov 2 '10 pol>eng podlegać gwarancji to be covered by the warranty OR pro closed ok
- May 20 '10 eng>pol mangled extremity rana szarpana kończyny, poszarpana kończyna pro closed ok
4 Feb 9 '10 eng>pol at Hughes (in Los Angeles) w medycznym instytucie Howard'a Hughes'a lub w med. instytucie Howard Hughes pro closed no
- Jan 28 '10 eng>pol "over the top" attacks powalający.ekstremalny pro closed no
4 Jan 15 '10 pol>eng Widok ogólny okna portalu A general appearance of the portal window pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '10 eng>pol airy strawberry textures efekt lekkiej, puchowej truskawki pro open no
4 May 11 '09 pol>eng protokół sprawdzenia technicznego, dopuszczenia i przyjęcia do eksploatacji... a protocol of technical inspection, permit to use (for use) and acceptance pro closed no
4 May 3 '09 pol>eng zamek brackets pro closed no
4 Feb 27 '09 pol>eng Daniel s. Franciszka Daniel, the son of Franciszek easy closed no
- Aug 7 '05 eng>pol collard greens kapusta sitowata pro closed ok
- Jan 6 '09 pol>eng Główna Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce Commission for the Prosecution of Hitler's Crimes in Poland pro just_closed no
- Dec 19 '08 eng>pol prop open trzymać otwarte drzwi pro closed ok
- Nov 16 '08 pol>eng interakcje migracyjne migrational interactions pro closed ok
4 Oct 30 '08 pol>eng umami umami pro closed ok
- Oct 9 '08 eng>pol due date data wykonania, data zakończenia, termin wykonania, termin końcowy pro closed no
4 Sep 26 '08 eng>pol partnership spółka, spółka partnerska pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '08 pol>eng przypadek kazuistyczny sample case, example case pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '08 pol>eng przypadek kazuistyczny a pain.... pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '08 pol>eng przypadek kazuistyczny casuistic example, casuistic situation, casuistic encounter pro closed ok
4 Sep 9 '08 eng>pol job stanowisko, pozycja, jednostka pracy pro closed no
- Sep 4 '08 eng>pol Janus-like Światowidowy lub dwie strony medalu pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered