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    • English
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        • Term
          • tiered pricing
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        • Definition(s)
          • A pricing strategy used to increase revenue and customer count. It involves offering differing versions of a product or service at different price points. Ideally, customers with the highest ability and willingness to spend will purchase the versions with the highest costs, while those with lesser ability and willingness to pay will purchase less expensive versions.
        • Example sentence(s)
          • A tiered pricing strategy turns a yes or no decision into an either or decision for the potential customer. It also provides a price anchor (as a consumer, I can convince myself I am being frugal by spending $299 on the single gear bike as compared to $499 on the seven-gear). - Fizzle by
          • If you’re hosting an anticipated event, selling your tickets at the standard price may not cut it. To compensate for fees and other billings for a big event, use tiered pricing. Know the standard ticket price before you learn how to sell tickets with tiered pricing. - New Jersey News Network by
          • For example, if you’re using tiered pricing, a good pricing structure will not only divide feature availability according to buyer personas, it will also make the distinctions between tiers clear. - ProfitWell by
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    • Bulgarian
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        • Term
          • диференцирано ценообразуване
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        • Definition(s)
          • Стратегия за ценообразуване, използвана за увеличаване на приходите и броя на клиентите. Това включва предлагане на различни версии на продукт или услуга на различни ценови нива. В идеалния случай клиентите с най-високи възможности и желание да харчат ще закупят версиите с най-високи цени, докато тези с по-малка способност и желание за плащане ще закупят по-евтини версии. (свободен прево� - by Mihail Mateev
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Разходите за онкологични заболявания в България са сравнително по-високи от тези в Европа, но общите разходи за здравеопазване са ниски. Трябва да се работи с диференцирано ценообразуване на лекарствата, защото в България доходите са по-ниски, смята шведският лекар, цитиран от бтв. - by Mihail Mateev
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