Feb 14, 2002 17:53
22 yrs ago
Catalan term


Catalan to English Other
"El III Pla de Recerca de Catalunya 2001-2004 inclou una novetat important per a la recerca en general i per a la recerca matemàtica en particular: Els Centres Homologats de Recerca, caracteritzats per la seva excel·lència investigadora en camps del coneixement que es considerin estratègics. Un d’ells serà en matemàtiques, fruit de la reconversió del Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), creat l’any 1984 per l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), l’Acadèmia Nacional de Catalunya, en un consorci entre la Generalitat de Catalunya i l’IEC amb personalitat jurídica pròpia."
Proposed translations (English)
5 +2 restructuring
4 reconversion


Non-ProZ.com Feb 14, 2002:
It should have been in all caps. I meant to mark the word but I must have hit return too soon or something. Sorry about that. It's at the beginning of the fourth-to-last line.
Non-ProZ.com Feb 14, 2002:
An explanation would be fine. All I really need to know is what the word refers to.

Proposed translations

31 mins


Hola. That's the term used when a company or department goes thru a process of change involving staff, machinery, structures, business practices, name changes, etc. And varsities are businesses, aren't they? Googling about you'll see it's used at nauseam in relation to universities (ref 1) and faculties (ref 2).
Salut i sort :-)
Peer comment(s):

agree Martin Perazzo
11 mins
agree Heathcliff : Quite. "Reorganization" is another option...
16 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, Paul, that's perfect. You look different —did you cut your hair or something?"
3 mins


almost the same word as in English.
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