Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

sloužit primici

English translation:

celebrate one's first communion

Added to glossary by Jirina Nevosadova
Nov 8, 2003 10:00
21 yrs ago
Czech term


Non-PRO Czech to English Art/Literary Christianity
It is first service after ordination of a priest. How do you call it in English?
Thanks in advance.

Proposed translations

22 mins

prime service

som Slovak, nevies nahodou ako sa to povie po slovensky? pomohlo by to k spravnej odpovedi
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you. Finally I asked and English priest and he wrote me that: "celebrate one's first communion" was the best. But thank you anyway. At least it was a good way how to avoid the problem."
15 mins

first service

There doesnt't seem to be a special expression.

... Following his ordination, Donald officated at his first service of Holy Communion in ... with the Chaplain, Keith Straughan (left) and Associate Priest, Dan Hardy ...

Have found some reference to primis
Peer comment(s):

agree hgrant (X)
25 mins
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36 mins

prime service

iny vyraz, alebo slovensky by pomohol
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2 hrs

a prime divine service

Primice je prvni bohoslužbou, kterou novokněz vykonává po vysvědcení a stává se opravdovou slavností pro přibuzné, přátele kněze a všechny účastníky mše.
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