Mar 20, 2001 12:35
23 yrs ago
Dutch term

moeilijke zin

Dutch to English Law/Patents
I can't fit in all its parts! Heeeeelppppp....
You don't need to translate everything if you think it is abusive :-), just point me in the right direction regarding the structure.

"Indien bij de toepassing van het zevende lid de beslissing op een aanvraag wordt genomen door Onze in dat lid bedoelde Ministers, stort het bestuurorgaan dat in heerste aanleg bevoegd was te beslissen op de aanvraag, de ter zaken ontvangen leges in 's Rijks kas."

Many thanks for your brain is giving up on me....

Proposed translations

55 mins

Where sub-section seven applies to the decision on an

application taken by the Ministers referred to in this sub-section, the administrative body that was competent to decide on the application in the first instance, shall deposit the received fees in question into the Treasury.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you both ! Jarry: I changed on an application into a request to avoid confusion with sub-section applies.... My sincere gratitude...once again!"
20 mins

If, during the application of the seventh subsection the decision . . .

If, during the application of the seventh subsection, the decision on a request will be taken by Our--as referred to in said subsection--Ministers, the administrative body, which was competent in the first instance to decide on the request, shall deposit the pertaining fees into the national exchequer.
Bridget, good luck!


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