Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

pudding wine

Bulgarian translation:

десертно (сладко) вино

Added to glossary by Vladimir Shapovalov
Jun 8, 2002 17:01
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

pudding wine

Non-PRO English to Bulgarian Other
pudding wine

Proposed translations

40 mins

вид десертно (сладко) вино

например - Мускат, Сотерн и т.н.
доколкото разбрах те вървят добре с пудинг :)

Все пак ще се опитам да намеря по-точен превод...

Note added at 2002-06-08 17:43:25 (GMT)

The wine I started making on 3 November has done its stuff and is sitting in four bottles. It is nice and clear and has a very pale yellow colour. I tried a sip, and it turns out to be a real pudding wine – sweet and with quite a strong strawberry flavour (the grape\'s common name is the strawberry vine). I think it will be ideal with the Christmas pudding that Ali is kindly making for me this year. I know I really ought to keep it for a few months before drinking, but there: orthodoxy can sit down and shut up for once.


Note added at 2002-06-08 17:44:36 (GMT)

Sauternes - This is a sweet wine, or pudding wine as some call it, though Keith would also tell you that it goes well with fois gras, rich meats, or just as an alternative aperitif . A full golden colour, very viscous. The aroma is honeyed and lush with characters of lime marmalade and apricots. Sweet with high alcohol and very full bodied for a white wine, with a balanced finish.

Peer comment(s):

agree Vihar Kraste (X) : Десертно вино. Вж. НАРЕДБА за означаване и търговско представяне на лозаро-винарската продукция и...; ("Christmas is special so why not bring out a bottle of sweet desert wine... there's a few offerings around that are labelled Christmas Pudding wine..."
1 hr
Съгласен съм с корекцията. Благодаря ти, Вихър! В същност, доколкото разбрах, това е вино което се консумира с десерт (примерно пудинг), но не и самостоятелно (обикновено).
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