Feb 12, 2002 22:05
23 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Catalan Other
A biology teacher alleged to have had sex with two of her pupils revealed yesterday...
Proposed translations (Catalan)
4 +2 suposadament

Proposed translations

15 mins


Una professora que suposadament havia tingut relacions...

The meaning is not the same as in the above translation. Maybe there's a better way of saying 'suposadament' but that is the idea. Someone has 'accused' her of having had sex but it has not been proven
Peer comment(s):

agree Ariadna Castillo González : You are right... I didn't read it properly ;)
4 mins
agree Ester Vidal (X) : Or "pressumptament", if you prefer a more legal term
39 mins
Something went wrong...
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