Glossary entry (derived from question below)
May 10, 2011 22:43
13 yrs ago
English term
English to Chinese
IT (Information Technology)
Evidence-based medicine involves best practices that use ***evidence*** gained from the scientific method for medical decision-making. One of the main reasons the federal government is pushing the rollout of EMR software in healthcare facilities is to promote the use of evidence-based medicine. Instead of giving the D-dimer test for clots, physicians who suspect that an elderly patient may have a blood clot could instead order an ultrasound or a CT scan.
循证医疗(evidence-based medicine)是指采用从科学方法获得的***证据***来用于医疗决定的最佳实践。
循证医疗(evidence-based medicine)是指采用从科学方法获得的***证据***来用于医疗决定的最佳实践。
Proposed translations
7 hrs
evidence-based medicine 翻译成“循证医学”比较常见,也有“实证医学”的翻译
Note added at 10小时 (2011-05-11 08:57:20 GMT)
循证医学是关于如何遵循证据进行医学决策的科学, 没太听说循证医疗这种说法,说医疗一般都是说临床医疗吧。仅供参考。
Note added at 1天2小时 (2011-05-12 00:56:33 GMT)
查询的结果:循证医疗一般是用作Evidence-Based Healthcare的翻译。
Note added at 1天3小时 (2011-05-12 02:33:11 GMT)
BTW: 这是个纯医学问题,不是鄙人工作的商业,金融及IT领域。个人意见仅供参考。
Note added at 10小时 (2011-05-11 08:57:20 GMT)
循证医学是关于如何遵循证据进行医学决策的科学, 没太听说循证医疗这种说法,说医疗一般都是说临床医疗吧。仅供参考。
Note added at 1天2小时 (2011-05-12 00:56:33 GMT)
查询的结果:循证医疗一般是用作Evidence-Based Healthcare的翻译。
Note added at 1天3小时 (2011-05-12 02:33:11 GMT)
BTW: 这是个纯医学问题,不是鄙人工作的商业,金融及IT领域。个人意见仅供参考。
Note from asker:
本意指“循证医学”,但我觉得译成动词意味比较明显的“循证医疗”在文中更合适。 |
有空的话,您可以上网搜索一下“循证医疗”。 |
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