Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
informed consent
Chinese translation:
English term
informed consent
As long as the patient is mentally and physically able to make his or her own decisions, medical care cannot begin unless the patient gives informed consent. (American Cancer Society)
Prior to surgery, your child's physician will give you a careful explanation of what procedure will be performed and the risks involved. You will be asked to sign an informed consent form which states in detail that you understand the risks and benefits of your child's surgery. (Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York)
To give informed consent to all procedures and treatment to be rendered, and to have questions answered; and to refuse and/or to discontinue procedures and treatment and to be informed of the consequences of such a decision. (Washington Adventist Hospital)
Sep 20, 2008 23:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Sep 23, 2008 10:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
On Medical Informed Consent Document and Informed Consent Process 对知情同意书和知情同意过程的探讨 (翻译助手)
住院精神病人中的"知情同意"情况 A Survey on "informed consent" among psychiatric inpatients (住院精神病人中的"知情同意"�)
此项系在强调病人有获告知,了解后同意治疗的权利即知情同意( informed consent)。病人在接受各种检查、治疗或人体实验之前,应给予充分的说明,包括目的、危险性、可选择的方法和执行者的姓名等,应在病人完全了解,而同意接受时才可执行。 (美国1973年的“病人权利典章”)
在医疗纠纷案件中,知情同意书是一个重要的证据,是患者行使知情权及选择权的表现形式,也是医院已经履行告知义务的重要凭证。 (北京德福医疗纠纷律师网)
由遗传学者和伦理、法律和社会影响等领域涉及遗传研究的专家组成的群体/伦理、法律和社会影响委员会(在计划初期阶段提供了有关建议,并制定了知情同意书的模板。 (国际人类基因组单体型图计划)
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