Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

rocker mouldings

Croatian translation:

dodatni spojler na pragu

Added to glossary by Ines Grabarevic
Dec 13, 2001 11:07
23 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

rocker mouldings

Non-PRO English to Croatian Tech/Engineering Automotive / Cars & Trucks car industry
I'm translating a car catalog and, among other things about the car (such as, sport fron seats, rear roof air diffuser, etc.) the author of the catalog also put ROCKER MOULDINGS. If nobody knows the exact translation, the explanation of the characteristic would also be very helpful, txs

Proposed translations

28 mins

dodatni spojler

To je neka vrsta dodatnog spojlera...
Na dole navedenom sajtu se moze videti kako rocker moulding izgleda...

Good luck!

Note added at 2001-12-13 11:49:47 (GMT)

Umesto spojler moze se reci i branik, sto je mozda i pravilnije koristiti u ovom slucaju. Obicno se koristi kod starijih modela automobila (1970-1980) kao i kod terenskih vozila. Prvenstveno sluzi kao zastita a moze se koristiti i u ukrasne svrhe. Evo jos jedan sajt gde se vidi kako rocker moulding izgleda.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Vesna Zivcic : rocker mouldings have functionally nothing to do with spoilers
20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Since the car I was talking about has sport equipment, your answer was the most acceptable one, thanks again "
58 mins

(ukrasne/zaštitne) letvice na pragovima

"Rocker mouldings" su dio "rocker panela".

1. Rocker panel - The section of a car's body below the door opening. It usually runs from the front-wheel opening to the rear-wheel opening.

See the picture at:

2. Rocker mouldings would be extruded plastic molding along the rocker panel of the car. It would be what people call "body side molding" (that molding
meant to keep the doors of other cars from denting the side of your car), but
it's lower, on the rocker panel.

"Rocker panel" is defined in the Random House unabridged as "body paneling
below the passenger compartment of a vehicle".

3. An option was a rocker moulding running the length of the rocker panel

4. Auto Bleiziffer Votex New Beetle
... opremom: Votex styling paket (prednji i stražnji spojler, letvice na pragovima,štitnici blatobrana i štitnici hvatišta vrata) - lakiran metalik srebrno; ...

Vidimo se u Gradskoj kavani!

Peer comment(s):

agree Nenija Hasanic (X)
3 hrs
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2 hrs

Istaknuti/naglaseni pragovi

Vesnino objasnjenje je tocno i vise nego iscrpno, medjutim nekako mi ne odgovara ponudjeni izraz. Ne cini mi se da u cijelostim odgovara dijelu auta.

Prevoditelj teksta o VW bubi ponudio je taj izraz, ali mi se ne moramo uvijek suglasiti, pokusajmo zajednicki pronaci prikladniji izraz.

Istaknuti (ili naglaseni) pragovi moj su prijedlog/doprinos.


Kako bih rado zajedno sa svima vama popio kavu u zimsko vece u Gradskoj kavani. Uzivajte!
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4 hrs

ukrasne lajsne

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6 hrs

po mojem mišljenju...

Po mojem mišljenju, spojler funkcionalno nema nikakve veze s automobilskim pragovima!

Spojler može biti prednji, krovni i zadnji.

Spoiler - A metal blade attached to the rear deck lid of the car.It helps restrict airflow over the rear of the car, providing downforce and traction.

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