Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

You are a beautiful person

French translation:

Vous êtes très généreuse, - d'une gentillesse...

Added to glossary by Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Dec 26, 2002 19:22
22 yrs ago
English term

Proposed translations

2 mins

je vous trouve très belle (ou très jolie)

direct translation
Peer comment(s):

agree JCEC
19 mins
agree CHENOUMI (X)
25 mins
agree michele meenawong (X)
10 hrs
disagree Nikki Scott-Despaigne : See comment in my posting below
23 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you, for the direct translation."
3 mins

Je pense que vous/tu êtes/es pluto beau/belle

1- Voussoiment
2- Tutoiment
3 - Masculin
4 - Feminin

Note added at 2002-12-26 19:32:55 (GMT)

Read \"plutot\"
Peer comment(s):

agree Noel Castelino : A "beautiful person" is not the same thing as "someone of great beauty". "You are a beautiful person" often means: "you are a wonderful person".
17 hrs
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6 mins

À mon avis, vous êtes / tu es très beau / belle

tu is more intime, beau is the masculin form, belle the feminin
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15 mins


Il n'est pas nècessaire de traduire le "I think". Dans le doute :

Vous êtes un très belle personne.

Ou peut-être :

Vous aves une très belle personnalité.

Peer comment(s):

agree CHENOUMI (X) : Tout à fait d'accord ! Car ce serait alors l'expression d'une opinion et pas une description exacte de la réalité.
14 mins
agree Noel Castelino : Exactly ! "You are a beautiful person" often refers to character and personality.
17 hrs
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18 hrs

Vous être très généreuse, - très humain ; Vous êtes d'une gentillesse....

The English (essentially US rather than a GB expression), "you are a beautiful person" refers to personality and not to physical attributes. It means the person is kind, generous. To use the word "beau, belle" in such contexts would be a mistranslation.

Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Moderator FR>EN
Peer comment(s):

agree Noel Castelino : You did well to step in Madame Moderator :-))
4 hrs
We're not always right, not always there but we do our best to step in as and when!
agree Francis MARC : également "une belle âme", "une belle nature"
4 hrs
agree Peter Coles : Though increasing in usage in GB English also. The important clue here is the use of "person" which would not be needed if this were just a physical description.
1 day 10 hrs
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