Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

roll over

French translation:


Added to glossary by pipo
Jul 19, 2002 20:05
22 yrs ago
English term

a counter which rolls over

English to French Tech/Engineering image acquisition system
the pixel sensitivity correction module can include a counter which rolls over at the number of pixels in the region of interest.

Proposed translations

11 mins

a counter which rolls over

un compteur qui bascule / s\'incrémente ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Moli?re
19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci bien je n'étais pas sur dans ce contexte"
3 mins

un compteur qui roule

Just a try!!!!
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10 mins

un compteur qui fait un tour complet

Il s'agit là du sens général de l'expression plus que de sa traduction dans le cas présent
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18 mins

Voir ci-dessous

un compteur calculant le nombre de pixels d'une zone donnée en passant dessus
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42 mins

un compteur qui est reinitialise ou reinitialisable


Note added at 2002-07-19 20:50:54 (GMT)

Y2K Problem Defined
Briefly defined, the Y2K problem involves any or all of these:

Representing the year as a two-digit number, causing failures in arithmetic, comparisons, sorting, and input/output to databases or files when manipulating date data: incorrect software will assume that the maximum value of a year field is \"99\" and will roll systems over to \"00\" which can be mistakenly interpreted as 1900 rather than 2000, resulting in negative date calculations and the creation of many overnight centenarians.

Incorrect leap year calculations will assume that the year 2000 has only 365 days instead of 366. What’s more, although January 1, 2000 is the primary witching hour, many date-dependent algorithms and forward-referencing systems are already beginning to fail due to not properly classifying years divisible by 400; and

Software values involving limited date ranges, including hardcoded values and \"magic bullets\"

Limits to system date data types in hardware registers
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55 mins

un compteur qui retombe à zéro

Une suggestion
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