Oct 4, 2008 16:43
16 yrs ago
English term

TagEditor problem

Non-PRO English to Korean Other Advertising / Public Relations
I have some technical question about TagEditor. When I open a word file using Tageditor, there is some problem. Even though it is 100% match, it doesn't show the translation that I did previously. It looks like it is aware of the fact that it is 100% but it doesn't show the translation, instead that same part shows as empty only showing the period mark at the end of the sentence. When I clean up the file after just going on like that, I can see all the text without any problem in the clean file. But the problem is, since I cannot see any translated text for fuzzy or 80, 90, 100 whatever the match is, it is quite inconvenient to make revisions when it is less than 100%. I should go above and type in again...Does anybody know what the problem is for this?? It is funny because when I translated the same file just with Trados on word file, everything seems just fine. But everytime when I use TagEditor this happens.. (There is no problem when I get the already opened ttx file from PM though..)
Proposed translations (Korean)
4 태그에디터 문제

Proposed translations

3826 days

태그에디터 문제

A tag editor(or tagger) is a piece of software that supports editing metadata of multimedia file formats, rather than the actual file content.
And there is no Korean term for this world, so it will be ok following the loanword orthography.
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