May 4, 2010 18:54
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


GBK English to Korean Tech/Engineering Computers: Software
Definition from Principles of auditing:
A new section of coding added in a rough or expedient way to modify a program.
Example sentences:
Typically, a patch can be installed over the top of an existing program, but again this will depend on the supplier and the nature of the patch. (The software patch)
A Critical Patch Update is a collection of patches for multiple security vulnerabilities. (Oracle Technology Network)
All this is achieved through a single console with extensive reporting functionality, effectively addressing the three pillars of vulnerability management: security scanning, patch management and network auditing. (
Proposed translations (Korean)
5 +2 패치
Change log

May 4, 2010 18:53: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

May 4, 2010 18:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

May 7, 2010 19:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

May 14, 2010 19:54:

Jun 3, 2010 19:54:

Jul 3, 2010 19:54:

Apr 2, 2020 15:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

5 days


①프로그래밍에서 목적 모듈(object module), 올려놓기 모듈(load module) 혹은 올려진 프로그램을 응급 조치로 수정하는 것 또는 수정하기 위하여 부가(삽입)되는 기계 명령어의 열.<br />②복수의 회선(예:전화 중계 회선)을 코드(cord)나 케이블에 의하여 임시적으로 접속하는 것.
Example sentences:
한/글 2002 SE 번들 패치 파일-(한글버전 3030) 한/글 2002 번들, 한/글 2002SE 번들 사용자 ☞패치 파일은 기존 설치된 버전(2821,2881,2992,3013,3020,3026 등 한/글 2002 포함)과 상관없이 바로 #3030으로 업데이트되는 통합패치 파일입니다. . . . . (한글과컴퓨터)
Peer comment(s):

agree Nadia K
247 days
agree Moonkyung Ahn
3615 days
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