Feb 24, 2011 15:54
14 yrs ago
English term

reach school 

GBK English to Latvian Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
Definition from Education.com, Inc.:
A reach or dream school is a highly desirable school, where many applicants have similar qualifications, but not all students can be offered admission. It is highly possible the student may not be accepted for admission, as the competition for spots in the class is fierce.
Example sentences:
Reach schools are long-shots, but they should still be possible. (The Online Review)
A reach school is one where an applicant would usually face a remote chance of getting accepted. (The College Solution Blog)
A school that used to accept 50% of applicants may now accept only 30%. As a result, many schools that would have been a match a few years ago are suddenly reach schools. (About.com)
Proposed translations (Latvian)
4 Prestiža skola
Change log

Feb 23, 2011 17:09: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Feb 24, 2011 15:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Feb 27, 2011 16:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Mar 11, 2011 00:54:

Mar 27, 2011 02:54:

Apr 26, 2011 02:54:

Proposed translations

1 day 21 hrs

Prestiža skola

Definition from own experience or research:
Skola, kurā lielākā daļa skolēnu gribētu iekļūt vai mācīties, taču zemu vai viduvēju sekmju dēļ nevar tutr iekļūt.
Example sentences:
Vai laba un prestiža skola ir viens un tas pats? (Diena)
Prestiža skola, tā tulko arī krievu valodā. (Proz)
Bērns uzņemts prestižā skolā. (Apollo)
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