Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

barrier island

Romanian translation:


Oct 1, 2008 08:54
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

barrier island

GBK English to Romanian Science Geology
Definition from CENGAGE learning:
A ridge of sand that runs parallel to the main coast but is separated from it by a bay or lagoon. Barrier islands range from 10 to 100 kilometers in length and from 2 to 5 kilometers in width. A barrier island may be as high as 6 meters above sea level. barrier reef A long, narrow reef that runs parallel to the main coast but is separated from it by a wide lagoon.
Example sentences:
Many people own vacation homes or condominiums on barrier islands, and more barrier islands are being developed for tourism. However, barrier islands are fragile, constantly changing ecosystems that are important for coastal geology and ecology. (HowStuffWorks)
The center provides a focal point for the Archie Carr Refuge and the associated barrier island by providing exhibit space, a presentation hall, and ongoing educational programs that promote stewardship of the area’s fragile natural resources. (Environmentally Endangered Lands Program)
Because of the lack of development, North Captiva Island is one of the last barrier islands home to bobcats and river otters. (Barrier island Beach Rental)
Proposed translations (Romanian)
4 +2 insulă-barieră
Change log

Oct 1, 2008 08:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Oct 4, 2008 08:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Dec 30, 2008 13:36: Mauricio Zoch

Jan 6, 2009 17:01: Mauricio Zoch

Jul 3, 2009 17:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

93 days


insule bariera, (engl.= barrier islands), (pl.), corpuri alungite, paralele cu linia tarmului, discontinui, ce separa selful continental marin de domeniul lagunar; i.b. apar in ape putin adanci, in zone de self cu inclinare mica. Dimensiunea i.b. depinde de aportul de sedimente si tipul de curenti litorali; ating lungimi de zeci de km si se formeaza atat la regresiune, cat si la transgresiune.
Example sentences:
Ultima data am fost pe insula Sf. Gheorghe, care este una dintre cele patru insule barieră de protecţie. (ROARTICLES)
Note from asker:
Credo il medico non sia di nazionalità tedesca. "Endovenös" heißt auf Deutsch "intravenös", und "Erwartung" stammt wahrscheinlich ebenfalls von einem Italiener, gehört ganz sicher nicht zum deutschen Sprachgebrauch (möglicherweise ist gemeint "in differita", "in attesa" oder ähnliches). Möglicherweise ist gemeint (am Beispiel Lasix): 1 Einheit (2 ml) sofort, 1 Einheit später, bei Bedarf.
Peer comment(s):

agree VickyA : insula bariera
4 days
agree irina savescu : exact, dar scris fără cratimă
182 days
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