Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

maturing funds

Swedish translation:

fonder med korta återstående löptider på innehaven

Added to glossary by Glenn Viklund
Feb 27, 2003 11:37
22 yrs ago
English term

maturing funds

English to Swedish Bus/Financial nationalekonomi
Ur fondrapport:

Because of extreme spread tightenings in recent months, spreads in both financial and non-financial credit could widen over the coming months. However, current credit markets are very much driven by demand. Due to soft equity markets and low treasury yields, credit markets enjoy very strong interest. This is especially true for the floater sector, where it has become quite difficult to find interesting names with adequate spread. Therefore, new investments depend strongly on new opportunities in the primary market. The Fund will invest in case new opportunities arise, which will most likely not be abundant in the floater market. Therefore, maturing funds will have to be reinvested, in part, into short-term government issues.

Proposed translations

1 hr

fonder med korta återstående löptider på innehaven

långt, men det är det som avses, "mognande fonder" tror jag inte är så bra här..

dvs fonder som innehåller värdepapper som snart ska lösas in.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tack så mycket. Så måste det vara. Dvs att det är värdepappren som snart ska lösas in."
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