Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Swedish translation:

läkuliss, läridå el. läskärm, alt. stormkappa

Dec 30, 2009 15:56
15 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Swedish Tech/Engineering Forestry / Wood / Timber
Definition from Wikipedia:
A windbreak or shelterbelt is a plantation usually made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs planted in such a manner as to provide shelter from the wind and to protect soil from erosion.
Example sentences:
The establishment of a field shelterbelt requires a considerable amount of field preparation; valuable farmland has to be withdrawn from production of crops and the immediate strip of land alongside the shelterbelt loses its productivity. (Government of Alberta )
The innermost rows of a shelterbelt should consist of tall, deciduous trees. Use the smaller trees and shrubs on the leeward side. Shrubs planted in the outermost rows will catch drifting snow. The resulting vertical structure of the shelterbelt directs wind over the area to be protected. (Ohio State University)
Connecting shelterbelts with existing or planned perennial vegetation, such as woodlots and woody draws (tree/shrub establishment) or riparian areas (riparian forest buffer), provides additional benefits for wildlife and aesthetics. (Natural Resources Conservation Service)
Proposed translations (Swedish)
4 +2 läkuliss, läridå el. läskärm, alt. stormkappa
Change log

Dec 30, 2009 15:10: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Dec 30, 2009 15:56: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jan 2, 2010 17:10: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jan 29, 2010 17:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

3 days 19 hrs

läkuliss, läridå el. läskärm, alt. stormkappa

Definition from TNC 43, Skogsordlista:
läkuliss, läridå eller läskärm = naturligt eller konstgjort skydd, t ex läplantering mot vind och snö<br /><br />stormkappa = (skogs)beståndskant behandlad och ibland särskilt anlagd i syfte att kunna motstå vind
Example sentences:
Se TNC 43, Skogsordlista (Skogsordlista, Glossary of forest terms)
Peer comment(s):

agree João Araújo
26 days
agree Li Redenaa : :-)
26 days
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