Aug 29, 2005 17:53
19 yrs ago
English term
cost containment companies
English to Swedish
Jag har sett termen cost containment på Proz, men vad kan det heta på svenska när man fogar ordet containment till uttrycket? Termen finnd i ett avtal mellan ett försäkringsbolag och en larmcentral som ska ha dygnet runt-service för skadereglering å försäkringsbolagets vägnar.
Expenses/handling costs are agreed to include, but are not limited to, fees payable to medical consultants, lawyers and external associates such as assistance providers, cost containment companies etc.
Expenses/handling costs are agreed to include, but are not limited to, fees payable to medical consultants, lawyers and external associates such as assistance providers, cost containment companies etc.