Jun 20, 2002 16:51
22 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term
flat retainer arrangement
English to Swedish
Under our flat retainer arrangement, you are being invoiced $8000.00 for the month of June....
Proposed translations
4 | överenskommelse om fast arvode | CATNIP (X) |
Proposed translations
21 mins
överenskommelse om fast arvode
Retainer - "typ av fast (advokat)arvode" enligt FARs Engelska ordbok. Engelsk definition //http://www.nonprofitlaw.com/pfau_negot.shtml.
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Oops! When requesting a translation I assume I mistakenly clicked on "Swedish" instead of "Spanish". (They're contiguous). I needed the translation in Spanish. Thanks anyway. ´Hélène"
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