Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

mobile radio transmitting installation/X ray device

Swedish translation:

basstation (för mobiltelefoni/komradio) / likt röntgenutrustning

Added to glossary by Hans-Bertil Karlsson (X)
Mar 28, 2002 15:28
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

mobile radio transmitting installation/X ray device

English to Swedish Tech/Engineering antennas
Does a mobile radio transmitting installation emit ionising radiation like an X-ray device or radioactive material?
Proposed translations (Swedish)
4 basstation (för mobiltelefoni/komradio) / likt röntgenutrustning
4 +1 ej troligt

Proposed translations

1 hr

basstation (för mobiltelefoni/komradio) / likt röntgenutrustning

Tore har svarat på din fråga helt korrekt, men här är översättningen om det var den du ville ha
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "tack"
45 mins

ej troligt

In order to ionise, the radiation must have quite a lot of power and no mobile radio equipment used legally has that power level. If you have a very powerful transmitter and measure the power level in the near field of the transmitting antenna, you may in spots find high levels which might ionise for a very short period of time, but not in any steady state condition.

Note added at 2002-03-28 16:17:07 (GMT)

I suppose you are talking about normal communication equipment, not radar stations and similar
Peer comment(s):

agree Hans-Bertil Karlsson (X) : så vitt jag vet har frågarens tidigare ställda frågor inom samma område handlat om mobiltelefoni
19 mins
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