Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

flexible (en este contexto)

Spanish translation:

manguera / tubo flexible / manguera flexible

Added to glossary by NTRAD
Sep 12, 2011 10:39
13 yrs ago
French term

flexible (en este contexto)

Non-PRO French to Spanish Other Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Cas de refroidisseurs équipés d'une pompe de distribution:
- Intercaler un flexible entre le réseau et notre départ (pression max. 50)

Proposed translations (Spanish)
4 manguera / tubo flexible / manguera flexible

Proposed translations

42 mins

manguera / tubo flexible / manguera flexible

se trata de liquidos (pression max. 50) y un flexible es un tubo flexible
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias"
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