Glossary entry

Hebrew term or phrase:

aliat/kfitzat madrega

English translation:

escalation/quantum leap

Feb 1, 2002 08:02
23 yrs ago
Hebrew term

aliat madrega cf. kfitzat madrega

Non-PRO Hebrew to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters general
(please consider the difference in meaning and in usage; I personally think alia refers to sth like violence, while kfizta relates more to positive things, like making progress or sth)

Proposed translations

8 hrs

aliyat / kfitsat madrega

I also feel that KFITSAT MADREGA is reserved for positive things, while ALIYAT MADREGA is usually used in a negative context.
ALIYAT MADREGA is, most cases, escalation. KFITSAT MADREGA could be quantum leap.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I tend to agree with you, generally speaking. The meanings are precise, but the idioms are a little tangential and a bit too strong (like quantum leap)."
20 mins

a step up

There are other possiblilities but I think "a step up" (or stepped up, depending on context and sentence structure) works fine for both. Aliat madrega in the (negative) sense you gave could also be escalation. AFAIK, afitzat madrega is generally used to refer to positive things, whereas aliat madrega is generally used for both.
Peer comment(s):

agree John Kinory (X)
2 hrs
Thanks Yoni :-))
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7 hrs

To raise to a different level

As in the situation has gotten worse and been raised to the next (increased)level.
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