Aug 19, 2010 07:43
14 yrs ago
Romanian term

in oricare dintre cladirile amplasamentului

Romanian to English Tech/Engineering Nuclear Eng/Sci
"Accesul personalului auxiliar este controlat in oricare dintre cladirile amplasamentului instalatiei XY" este:
1. "The access of the auxiliary staff is controlled in every building on XY facility site" sau
2. "Auxiliary staff access is controlled in every building on XY facility site"? Voi cum cum propuneti?


meirs Aug 19, 2010:
oricare = any (fiecare = every or each) Usage depends on context - e.g., auxiliary staff needs to know that access is controlled to any building. Contractor needs to install access control provisions in each building. Supervisors have to supervise access to all the buildings. Guards have to check every building during the tour on foot.
meirs Aug 19, 2010:
I prefer I would rephrase:
Access of auxiliary staff to any building of the XY facility site is controlled. Reason - all the text preceding "is controlled" is the subject of this sentence (what is controlled).
In particular: any or each instead of every, building of instead of on
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