Nov 12, 2008 10:30
16 yrs ago
Serbo-Croat term

koeficijent praznog trcanja kola

Serbo-Croat to English Tech/Engineering Transport / Transportation / Shipping railway
To je jedan od kvalitativnih pokazatelja prevoznih usluga
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 idle run time (coefficient)

Proposed translations

12 hrs

idle run time (coefficient)

coefficient je u zagradi zato što možete slobodno i bez njega.

Nije mi doduše jasno ovo "trčanja", u srpskom bi se pre reklo "preznog hoda", ali to je to, nema šta drugo da bude

takođe možete staviti i samo idle time

Example sentence:

Installing idle reduction equipment that will limit idle time and conserve fuel.

Peer comment(s):

agree Dragomir Kovacevic (X) : railcar idle running coefficient ?
8 hrs
nisam to sretao po internetu. Hvala na podršci!
agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
2 days 4 hrs
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