Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

schock cardiogénico irreversible

German translation:

irreversibler Herzanfall

Added to glossary by Сергей Лузан
Jun 30, 2003 23:26
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

schock cardiogénico irreversible

Spanish to German Medical
partida de defunción: causa de la muerte

Proposed translations

30 mins

irreversibler Herz(generierter [?])Schock /(oder Herzanfall ?)

¡Buena suerte, agapanto!
Re.: 3. Collins German Dictionary, ISBN 0-00-470406-1 y Collins Spanish Dictionary, ISBN 0-00-470295-6

Note added at 2003-07-01 20:36:42 (GMT) Post-grading

Danke fuer Grading, agapanto!
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias, opto por "irreversibler Herzanfall", es más claro y menos sofisticado"
56 mins

irreversibler Herzgenerischer Schock

ich hoffe es hilft dir
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