Jul 14, 2001 23:22
23 yrs ago
Urdu term

Free translation santenses

Non-PRO Urdu to English Other
I want free translation Urdu to English.
I don't no English.
As a student this is my need.
Do you help me for translation Urdu to English and English to Urdu.
for writing and speaking.

Proposed translations

1 hr

We offer a different kind of help, not the kind that you need.

Dear Aziz,

To your first question: Do we provide free translation? The answer is no. We only offer free translation advice, not free translation. Translators (or others) who encounter difficult terms that are not addressed in general-purpose dictionaries or that present context-specific challenges are welcome to post these difficult terms in this forum for other translators to weigh in on. We share what we know with each other and learn from each other, but we cannot offer free translation, because translation is the source of our livelihood.

To your other statement: This is my need. The answer is no as well. This is not your need. You need to study English, and you need to have a number of good dictionaries handy: English-English, English-Urdu, Urdu-English, and Urdu-Urdu. That is the minimum required for a person who is seriously aspiring to achieve workable bilingualism. When you get to a point where becoming a professional translator becomes a viable option, you will need additional reference works.

There are many online English dictionaries, available to the public free of charge. Try the following:




You can also try the following link to find an Urdu dictionary:


I hope this information is helpful. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me.

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