Translation glossary: Catharine

Showing entries 101-150 of 209
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la MALT des tetes de cablescable end grounding 
French to English
L’endroit incontournable au centre de la stationThe place to be at the heart of the resort 
French to English
LElogarithmic strain 
French to English
le 1/3 du jeu de connaissementone copy (of three) of the bill of lading 
French to English
le dossier DM du projetDécision Modificative / Amending Decision 
French to English
le film en double bandedouble system or separate tracks 
French to English
leadership d'opinionopinion leader 
French to English
les 2 agrégats à la voléeboth aggregations on the fly 
French to English
les collectifs de travailwork groups 
French to English
Lieu de déplacementassignment location 
French to English
Ligne graphiqueVisual identity 
French to English
local à bennes(waste) skip housing or space 
French to English
logiciel de vie pratiquehome & hobbies 
French to English
lustreriedecorative lighting 
French to English
Maison de traditiontraditional establishment 
French to English
manquants physiquesmissing items 
French to English
Manque d'atteinte (trace de brut)natural 
French to English
marne à sel gemmehalite-marl 
French to English
marne barioléevariegated marl 
French to English
mât inclinéangled/inclined pylon 
French to English
mettre le premier en lumièrethe first thing that he identified 
French to English
MI (abbreviation)minute = (official) record 
French to English
MSBmoyenne surface de bricolage 
French to English
Mutation des sociétés et cultures en EuropeCultural and social change in Europe 
French to English
néoprène refenduopen cell neoprene 
French to English
noir descendutoned down black 
French to English
Notice Technique Interarmées Habillement(Technical specifications for) Joint Services Clothing 
French to English
OAV (outil d'aide à la vente)sales tool 
French to English
objet métierbusiness object 
French to English
French to English
pannes en ipn 100IPN 100 purlins 
French to English
Passionnés on est, passionnés on resteraonce an art lover, always an art lover 
French to English
pèche soleilperche soleil / pond perch 
French to English
pérenne détonnantstartling today 
French to English
PC 1kwPlano Convex 1kW 
French to English
PEporte étiquette / price holder 
French to English
PEPartenaires d'Exécution / implementing partner 
French to English
PEP (Profil Environnemental Produit)Product Environmental Profile 
French to English
percée du fourfurnace runout 
French to English
permanence(in-person) help desk 
French to English
piece délardéebeveled or chamfered piece 
French to English
PIFsProgram Information Files 
French to English
Pilote d’assurance produitProduct quality (assurance) coordinator 
French to English
Pilotes Environnement et des Pilotes SécuritéCoordinator 
French to English
plan documentairedocumented plan 
French to English
Plongée à troucave/hole hunting 
French to English
plus prompte à fouetter les menins que les excellencesquicker to chastise the courtiers than the king 
French to English
point de livraisondelivery point 
French to English
polypropylène de commoditéscommodity polypropylene 
French to English
potence avec palanjib crane with hoist 
French to English
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