Translation glossary: İhale Dokümanları

Showing entries 1-50 of 95
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aménagementurban planning 
French to English
French to English
avis d'appel d'offretender notice 
French to English
avis d'appel d'offres national et international restreintNational and international restricted invitation to tender 
French to English
çevre düzenlemesiaménagement paysager 
Turkish to French
çevre duvarlarımurs extérieurs 
Turkish to French
French to English
İçmesuyu Arıtma TesisiUsine de traitement des eaux potables 
Turkish to French
Çadır Hangartente de Hangar 
Turkish to French
banka referans mektubulettre de référence bancaire 
Turkish to French
barajlar ve hes dairesi başkanlığıdépartement de barrages et de centrales hydroélectriques 
Turkish to French
bâtiment publicpublic building 
French to English
beton kaplamachaussé en béton 
Turkish to French
Turkish to French
capital socialshare capital 
French to English
cautionguarantee bond 
French to English
charpente métalliquestructural steel work 
French to English
chef de fileleader 
French to English
chemin de ferrailroad, railway 
French to English
chiffre d'affaireturnover 
French to English
décret présidentielPresidential Decree 
French to English
Déviation de réseauxdiversion of public utilities 
French to English
French to English
de grande envergurelarge scale 
French to English
devlet su işleri genel müdürlüğüDirection générale des eaux 
Turkish to French
devreye almakmise en service, commissioning 
Turkish to French
Turkish to French
French to English
dolguremplissage, filling 
Turkish to French
French to English
enerji ve tabi kaynaklar bakanlığıle ministère de l'énergie et des ressources naturelles 
Turkish to French
esas mukavelecontrat principal 
Turkish to French
exercicefinancial period 
French to English
genel müdürlükDirection générale, general directorate 
Turkish to French
groupement d'entreprisesGroup of companies 
French to English
ham yüzey suyueau de surface brute 
Turkish to French
işin bitiş tarihidate de finition des travaux 
Turkish to French
Turkish to French
Turkish to French
ihtiyacı karşılamaksatisfaire un besoin 
Turkish to French
imza yetkili memurusignataire autorisé 
Turkish to French
Turkish to French
Turkish to French
Kız YüksekokullarıCollèges de filles 
Turkish to French
köpüklü yangın söndürme sistemisystème de mousse d'extinction d'incendie 
Turkish to French
keşif artışıaugmentation de l'exploration 
Turkish to French
keşif bedelicoût estimatif 
Turkish to French
kefalet vermeknantissement, pledge 
Turkish to French
kesin kabulréception définitive 
Turkish to French
kil çekirdekbéton piqué, clay core 
Turkish to French
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