Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 13 '22 ind>eng SURAT PERTIMBANGAN PENETAPAN RENCANA KEBUTUHAN RUMINANSIA BESAR Consideration Letter to Develop Large Ruminants Requirements Plan pro closed no
- Sep 4 '12 ind>eng kelelahan sistematis systematic mismanagement pro closed ok
- Jun 25 '12 ind>eng Perusahaan Besar Swasta large corporation pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '11 eng>ind dike, embankment tambak, tanggul pro closed ok
- Mar 15 '11 eng>ind resisting force gaya penghambat pro closed ok
4 Mar 15 '11 eng>ind driving force gaya penggerak pro closed no
4 Sep 21 '08 eng>ind grass-blade bilah daun pro closed no
- Sep 21 '08 eng>ind full grain in the head butiran buah lengkap di ujungnya pro closed no
- Sep 21 '08 eng>ind stalk head kepala tangkai pro open no
- Sep 7 '08 ind>eng demo langsung di tempat Live demonstration pro closed ok
- Sep 7 '08 ind>eng dicanangkan set pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '08 ind>eng berlangsung meriah lively pro closed no
- Sep 7 '08 ind>eng dikerjasamakan collaborated pro closed no
4 May 19 '08 ind>ind legum polong-polongan pro closed no
4 Mar 10 '08 eng>ind Sapindus.mukorossi buah lerak pro closed no
4 Feb 4 '08 eng>ind plant to a stand menanam pada sebuah kumpulan tanaman pro closed ok
4 Feb 4 '08 eng>ind delint tanpa kabu-kabu pro closed ok
4 Nov 23 '07 ind>eng rumpukan stack of woods pro closed ok
4 Feb 2 '07 eng>ind amaranth bayam merah pro closed ok
4 Feb 2 '07 eng>ind the situation depends on the type of product asalnya bergantung kepada jenis produk pro closed ok
4 Nov 13 '06 eng>ind reduced returns to rice berkurangnya hasil produksi beras pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '06 eng>ind 70% drop in local cash crop prices turunnya harga jual tanaman komersial di tingkat lokal pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '06 eng>ind rental or share-cropping costs biaya sewa lahan atau biaya panen (bawon) pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '06 eng>ind Agricultural Trading perdagangan berjangka produk pertanian pro closed no
- Oct 1 '06 eng>ind Pathogen resistance to fungicides is a severe problem in the kekebalan patogen penyebab penyakit terhadap insektisida pembunuh jamur merupakan masalah yg serius easy closed no
4 Sep 30 '06 eng>ind this price had to be defended by border measures against .... harga ini harus dijaga dengan menerapkan tindakan sempadan terhadap pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered