Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 15 '08 ita>eng da selvaggia incivilita like a tamed savage pro closed no
- Aug 15 '08 ita>eng sentimenti scoperti raw feelings pro closed no
4 Aug 16 '07 ita>eng dicontro in the margin hereof pro closed no
4 Aug 15 '07 ita>eng quiere peace/calm/tranquility pro closed ok
- May 24 '07 eng>ita close call differenze sottili pro closed ok
- May 9 '07 ita>eng malato di omologazione impoverished by homogenization pro closed ok
4 Oct 11 '06 ita>eng Ti contempla la pietra... The stone beholds you, and yet does not see you pro closed no
- Mar 9 '06 ita>eng non c’è, ci fa (isn't really an airheaded bimbo) she just plays dumb pro closed ok
4 Mar 9 '06 ita>eng sensualità da fumetto comic-book sexiness pro closed ok
4 Feb 12 '06 ita>eng ,che avevan mossa alli Dei Giganti which the Giants (had) brought against the Gods pro closed ok
4 Feb 12 '06 ita>eng "tizzoni ardenti e faville della montagna volano sulle sue discese" suggestion provided pro closed no
4 Feb 7 '06 ita>eng see quote and reference set forth the laws which govern ... pro closed no
4 Jan 30 '06 ita>eng ragione di... suggestion provided pro closed no
4 Jan 30 '06 ita>eng ...pura, gioiosa, deriva... pure, joyous drift pro closed ok
3 Jan 22 '06 ita>eng prospettivabile can be prospectivized/projected into a perspective pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '06 ita>eng ricerca dello spazio dell'informazione seeking for the space of information pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '06 eng>ita a stay-at-home carpool mom mamma tassista tuttofare pro closed no
- Jan 8 '06 eng>ita planned to run a balloon intendevano far passare/avrebbero fatto passare un palloncino pro closed no
4 Jan 8 '06 eng>ita to make sense of up-close per capirlo da vicino pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '05 ita>eng 'Far bene al cuore" e "Cuore leggero" to be kind to the heart pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '05 eng>ita Dilute dissipare pro closed no
4 Oct 10 '05 ita>eng puttanate a bunch of useless crap/shit pro closed no
4 Oct 10 '05 ita>eng fate da cardiopalma awesome babes pro closed no
- Oct 10 '05 ita>eng un ingessato uptight square pro closed no
4 Sep 18 '05 ita>eng percorsi di pensiero development of thought/thinking pro closed ok
- Sep 16 '05 ita>eng non assoluto impermanent pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '05 fra>eng Puisque ces mystères nous dépassent feignons d’en être l’organisateur’ Let us pretend to manage those mysteries which we do not understand pro closed no
- Sep 7 '05 ita>eng fanno da re dominate the scene pro closed no
4 Sep 6 '05 ita>eng farsi immortalare posing for photo-ops pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '05 ita>eng sentence s.b. pro closed no
- Jul 4 '05 ita>eng Una maestrina d’altri tempi An old-fashioned school teacher pro closed ok
- Jul 3 '05 ita>eng sesso di ramo a bold sex pro closed ok
4 Jun 30 '05 ita>eng iniziali delle generalità initials pro closed ok
- Jun 23 '05 eng>ita gioco di parole s.b. pro closed no
- Jun 18 '05 eng>ita to be ahead of che precorreva i tempi pro closed no
- Jun 15 '05 ita>eng Vicari Genti Vicars General pro just_closed no
- Jun 15 '05 ita>eng alcuni si fanno una canna some smoking pot pro closed ok
4 Jun 15 '05 ita>eng Si tuffano nei rumori rii di umorali viscere streams of slick guts dive into the noise pro closed ok
- May 30 '05 ita>eng chiave di lettura interpretive/interpretative framework pro closed ok
- May 27 '05 ita>eng suggestioni estetiche e formali esthetic and formal references pro closed ok
4 May 27 '05 ita>eng sfere sensoriali sensorial realms pro closed ok
- May 27 '05 ita>eng peso ideologico di livellamento e azzeramento formale with the ideological weight it carried in terms of formal standardization and annihilation pro closed ok
- May 27 '05 ita>eng denuncia sociale social outcry pro closed ok
4 May 27 '05 ita>eng tra circolarità, paradossi e stratificazione dei significati Between Circularities, Paradoxes and Layered Meanings pro closed ok
- May 25 '05 ita>eng non fare le grandoni wiseass easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered