Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 6 '18 pol>eng zabudowa niekubaturowa structures other than buildings pro closed no
4 Dec 5 '13 pol>eng płycina door panel pro closed no
4 Nov 15 '13 pol>eng obróbki dekarskie roofing works pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '13 pol>eng murłata dachowa top plate pro closed ok
4 Nov 11 '13 pol>eng płyty MON (MON - Ministry of Defence - type) precast reinforced concrete road slabs pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '13 pol>eng podejmie zawieszone roboty (w kontekście) recommence the suspended works pro closed ok
4 Jan 30 '11 eng>pol passive housing budownictwo pasywne pro closed ok
- Jan 24 '11 pol>eng wypad (jazu) outlet side (of the weir) pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '10 pol>eng zatoka postojowa waiting bay pro closed ok
4 Nov 20 '10 pol>eng zatoka autobusowa bus bay pro closed ok
4 Jun 4 '10 pol>eng gruntoznawstwo soil science pro closed ok
4 Oct 26 '09 pol>eng operat katastralny cadastral survey pro closed ok
4 Apr 5 '09 pol>eng płazy flat logs pro closed ok
- Mar 24 '09 pol>eng Konstrukcja sprężona (post-) tensioned structure pro closed no
4 Mar 21 '09 eng>pol pipe boot kołnierz uszczelniający pro closed ok
4 Feb 6 '09 pol>eng listwa najazdowa reducer profile pro closed ok
4 Dec 13 '08 pol>eng dylatować to install expansion joints pro closed ok
4 Dec 12 '08 pol>eng chudziak lean mix concrete pro closed ok
4 Feb 20 '08 pol>eng konstrukcje budowlane civil engineering structures pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '08 pol>eng brus box pile pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '08 pol>eng zbrojenie konstrukcyjne vs przeciwskurczowe construction reinforcement pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '08 pol>eng ciąg komunikacyjny cable run pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '08 eng>pol kantorek store-room pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '08 pol>eng obsługa komunikacyjna terenu (transportation) access of the X area from/by road no 2 pro closed ok
4 Jan 14 '08 pol>eng katastrofa budowlana wiaduktu overpass collapse pro closed ok
4 Dec 16 '07 pol>eng paca float/trowel pro closed no
- Dec 16 '07 pol>eng kruszywo quartz aggregate easy closed ok
4 Dec 13 '07 pol>eng płyta posadzkowa floor slab pro closed ok
4 Dec 12 '07 eng>pol placeable and finishable (beton) urabialny pro closed no
4 Dec 12 '07 pol>eng ukop/dokop borrow-pit pro closed no
- Dec 11 '07 pol>eng z innymi branżami with other sectors pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '07 eng>pol tarboard płyta bitumiczna pro closed no
- Dec 3 '07 pol>eng Przejęcie ścieków z wylotów receiving sewage from outlets pro open no
- Nov 25 '07 pol>eng kruszywo łamane crushed aggregate pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '07 pol>eng praktyka ogólnobudowlana general construction practice pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '07 pol>eng praktyka geotechniczna geotechnical practice pro closed ok
4 Nov 11 '07 eng>pol metal studs framing płyty gipsowe na stelażu metalowym pro closed ok
- Nov 10 '07 pol>eng urobek excavated material/diggings/muck pro closed no
4 Nov 4 '07 eng>pol dust free cement cement bezpyłowy pro closed ok
3 Nov 2 '07 eng>pol anchor kotwić/mocować pro closed ok
4 Oct 26 '07 eng>pol chair rail deska/listwa odbojowa pro closed ok
4 Oct 25 '07 eng>pol general arrangement drawing ogólny rysunek rozmieszczenia pro closed no
4 Oct 23 '07 eng>pol rainwater gutter vs downspout rynna/rura spustowa pro closed no
- Oct 23 '07 eng>pol soffits (in PVC-u) podsufitka pro closed ok
4 Oct 23 '07 eng>pol fascia boards deski czołowe okapu pro closed no
- Oct 22 '07 eng>pol Low Water Crossing przecięcie cieku wody niskiej pro closed ok
4 Oct 19 '07 pol>eng przerwa eksploatacyjna downtime pro closed no
4 Oct 18 '07 eng>pol DLP certificate świadectwo dot. okresu odpowiedzialności za wady pro closed no
4 Oct 16 '07 pol>eng GLA Gross Leasable Area pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered