Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 17 '13 eng>ron assignable area suprafață utilă pro closed ok
- Jun 27 '12 ron>eng Limitation of liability clause / Contractor - Consultant clauză de limitare a răspunderii pro just_closed no
4 Jun 27 '12 ron>eng promitent coschimbas promising party in an exchange pre-agreement pro closed ok
4 Jul 12 '11 ron>fra grupul scolar de gospodarirea apelor si prestari servicii école professionnelle de gestion des eaux et de services pro closed ok
4 Jun 12 '11 eng>ron to balance (aici) a corela pro closed ok
4 May 2 '11 ron>eng incepand de azi - data autentificarii actului as of today - the date of the document's authenticaton pro closed ok
- Mar 7 '11 ron>eng invederând declaring pro closed ok
4 Mar 7 '11 ron>eng exequator exequatur pro closed ok
4 Feb 23 '11 ron>eng numar fisa registru de consultatii file/entry number in the consultation records pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '11 eng>ron materiality qualifier calificare de ordin material pro closed ok
4 Feb 21 '11 eng>ron Wash out payment returnare a plăţii pro closed ok
- Feb 15 '11 ron>eng nerăspundere disciplinară disciplinary non-liability pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '11 eng>ron on call cover and call out maintenance servicii de întreţinere prestate la sediul deţinătorului licenţei şi la sediul furnizorului licenţei pro open no
4 Jan 20 '11 eng>ron temporary labour Assignment detasare pro closed ok
4 Dec 9 '10 eng>ron Default Liability răspunderea în caz de neexecutare pro closed ok
4 Oct 24 '10 eng>ron Time bar and forclosure prescrierea şi blocajul exercitării unui drept pro closed ok
3 Aug 28 '10 eng>ron Capital Paper calculaţie privind capitalul pro closed ok
- Aug 26 '10 eng>ron affected activată pro closed no
4 Aug 17 '10 ron>eng sub sanctiune nulitatii contractului under the penalty of contract's nullity pro closed ok
- Aug 17 '10 ron>eng condiţiile de trecere a recepţiei provizorii şi a recepţiei finale (calitative) conditions to meet for the interim and final (qualitative) commissioning pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '10 ron>eng serviciile accesorii furnizarii produselor services accompanying the product delivery pro closed ok
- Mar 18 '10 eng>ron leveraged products produse financiare derivate (derivative) pro closed no
4 Mar 18 '10 eng>ron rates schedule tabelul de tarife şi comisioane pro closed ok
4 Mar 5 '10 eng>ron ascertaining notes note constatatoare pro closed ok
4 Mar 2 '10 ron>eng ultra activa remains in force pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '10 eng>ron Will Variation modificarea voinţei testamentare pro just_closed no
- Feb 25 '10 ron>eng comisia pentru autorizarea operatorilor de produse supuse accizelor armonizate the authorisation commission for operators of products subjected to the harmonised excise duty pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '10 eng>ron living costs costuri curente sau indirecte pro closed ok
- Feb 18 '10 eng>ron per aval in calitate de avalist pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered