Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 11 '16 eng>ind pay run pembayaran berjalan pro closed ok
4 Nov 20 '12 eng>ind outgrowth pengaruh pro closed no
- Jul 7 '07 eng>ind shelter-in-place mengamankan-diri-di-tempat pro closed ok
4 Dec 23 '06 eng>ind in the door perusahaan pro closed ok
3 Dec 23 '06 eng>ind stirred up a lot of dust memicu perdebatan pro closed ok
- Dec 22 '06 eng>ind Clueless Coping Tantangan Clueless pro closed ok
- Jul 17 '06 ind>eng Hong hong (semacam bursa / pasar) pro closed ok
- Jun 11 '06 eng>ind favoritism favoritisme pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered