Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 30 '15 eng>ice Resource Manager auðlindastjóri/fjármagnsstjóri pro closed ok
4 Feb 23 '11 eng>ice acct. No target term. pro closed ok
NP Feb 18 '10 eng>ice Þingvellir: the birthplace of Alþingi. The birthplace of Iceland Þingvellir: Fæðingarstaður Alþingis. Fæðingarstaður Íslands. pro open no
- Dec 22 '09 eng>ice baby on board Barn í bílnum pro open no
4 Jul 27 '09 eng>ice Product of Mauritius Framleitt á Máritíus pro closed no
4 Apr 19 '09 eng>ice Viking power! Víkingakraftur! easy closed ok
4 Jun 1 '08 eng>ice batwing doors Sveifluhurð(ir) easy closed no
4 May 21 '08 eng>ice Sample dæmi pro closed ok
4 May 21 '08 eng>ice rationale rök pro closed ok
4 Apr 1 '08 eng>ice big shot Stórlax pro closed no
4 Mar 30 '08 eng>ice I can't seem to ever forget you. Það er eins og ég geti aldrei gleymt þér. pro closed no
4 Mar 14 '08 eng>ice sweet dreams Góða nótt, dreymi þig vel or sofðu vel easy closed ok
4 Mar 5 '08 eng>ice VASCULAR ACCESS GRAFT æðagræðlingur pro closed no
- Jan 24 '08 dan>eng så er advokatomkostningerne inde then the charge for the lawyer(s) can be paid for pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '08 nor>eng Ansvarlig Liable pro just_closed no
3 Jul 29 '07 eng>dan alloy wheel alu fælg pro closed no
- Jan 10 '07 eng>ice firewalking eldganga pro just_closed no
3 Mar 16 '07 dan>eng Fraværsdokumentation documentation of absenteeism pro closed no
4 Oct 1 '06 eng>dan And those nice eye glasses you´re wearing? og de flotte briller du har på? pro closed ok
4 Sep 30 '06 sve>eng Löpande priser current prices pro closed ok
4 Jun 15 '06 eng>ice I've been waiting for you Ég hef verið að bíða eftir þér easy closed no
4 May 27 '06 eng>ice necrophilia, -philiac náfrygð/náfíkn, náfíkill easy closed no
4 May 9 '06 eng>ice "Diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma" Sjúkdómsgreining á krabbameini í skjaldkirtli pro closed ok
- Jan 4 '06 eng>ice promotional products styrktarframleiðsla; framleiðsla til styrktar easy open no
4 Mar 22 '05 eng>ice May the Speed be with you. megi hraðinn vera með þér. pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered