Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 9 '18 fas>eng مثل پروانه دورش می گشت He worshiped the ground she was walking on! pro closed ok
- Nov 19 '15 eng>fas peanut gallery خرده گیرها - ایرادگیرهای (همیشگی) - پارازیت اندازها pro just_closed no
- Oct 28 '15 eng>fas I find it as low as the 18th century. فکر کنم که به قرن هجدهم برمیگرده pro closed no
- Oct 27 '15 eng>fas the livery of other men’s opinion عقاید/آرای متحدالقول سایر آقایان - نظر متحدالشکل سایر آقایان - باور همسان سایر آقایان pro closed no
- Oct 21 '15 eng>fas Knight in the following idioms سلحشور - جانباز - جنگجو - تهمتن - سرباز - فدایی pro just_closed no
- Oct 21 '15 eng>fas Keeper of the King's Conscience. رییس قوه قضاییه pro just_closed no
4 Oct 21 '15 eng>fas keep from a person's house مایحتاج زندگی - لوازم منزل (شخص) pro closed no
4 Oct 20 '15 fas>eng دلم قرص می شود I feel safe and secure! It gives me the warm fuzzies! pro closed ok
- Oct 20 '15 fas>eng دلم رفت کربلا I felt misrable - My heart squinced pro closed ok
4 Oct 17 '15 fas>eng هیچگاه هم آغوشی هایت را با عشق مقایسه نکن Never compare sex with love (making) pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '15 fas>eng نان و آبش هم مرتب شاد with a steady income and happy/happy with a steady income pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '15 fas>eng قند توی دل‌شان آب می‌کردند They were tickled pink! pro closed ok
- Sep 21 '15 fas>eng Politically correct با حساب و کتابهای سیاسی pro closed no
4 Sep 8 '15 fas>eng عوضی‌ها عوض نمی‌شوند Jerks won't change! Once a jerk, always a jerk! Jerks will remain jerks! pro closed ok
- Jun 16 '15 fas>eng This is a statement comparing one's mom to a light bulb that was flickering To be dying out/ Someone who is about to die pro open no
- Jun 11 '15 fas>eng حالم به هم می خورد It makes me nauseous pro closed ok
- Apr 28 '15 fas>eng چشماتون قشنگ ميبينه Beautiful eyes see beautiful things! pro just_closed no
- Apr 20 '15 eng>fas hell's bells واویلا pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '14 fas>eng نا رفیق fake friend pro closed ok
4 Apr 5 '13 fas>eng سر به فلک کشیدن to go sky high pro closed no
- Mar 2 '13 fas>eng اهتمام ورزیدن to do a great/terrific/fantastic job- to do one's best pro closed ok
- Feb 7 '13 fas>eng گر همه No matter what you do, either all good or all evil, you do it to yourself! pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '13 fas>eng نه نماز شبگیر کن نه آب توی شیر کن. Don't be a pious fraud! / Don't act like a pious fraud! pro closed ok
4 Nov 8 '12 fas>eng رو برگرداندن to turn back on someone! pro closed no
- Sep 21 '12 fas>eng به همین راستا on the same notion/token pro closed ok
- Aug 2 '12 eng>fas on an emotional rollercoaster !از نظر روحی ، روانی (عاطفی) بالا و پایین شدن pro closed ok
- Jun 11 '12 fas>eng کوپه های شش نفره six-person cabins/coaches pro closed no
3 Apr 30 '12 fas>eng کوتاه آمدن to not budge - to give an inch pro closed no
- Apr 19 '12 eng>fas Long live the snake that doesn't bite me! !خيرش كه به كسي نميرسه خوبه اقلاً شر درست نكنه pro closed ok
4 May 23 '11 fas>eng دارندگی و برازندگی Cash is king! Money is power! easy closed no
- Jan 25 '11 fas>eng هول و ولام terrified and stressed out easy closed ok
- Jan 10 '11 eng>fas talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear انگار كه مويش را آتيش زدند - مثل جن بوداده ميماند pro closed no
- Jan 1 '11 eng>fas to knife a person با چاقو قصد جان کسی را کردن pro closed ok
- Dec 31 '10 fas>eng عبا به سر کشیدن to pull a bisht [Islamic garment] over one's head, to hide under the bisht pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '10 eng>fas pinch an inch يک پرده گوشت توي دست امدن - يک پرده گوشت داشتن pro closed no
- Nov 22 '10 eng>fas Get off your high horse! az khar-e shaytoon bia payeen! easy closed ok
- Oct 25 '10 eng>fas to paint oneself into a corner mesl-e khar to gel gir kardan! pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '10 fas>eng با خاک یکسان کردن To level easy closed ok
- Oct 21 '10 fas>eng آش با جاشه a package deal! pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered