Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 17 '12 ita>eng sutura a punti singoli ad U con pledget esterno U sutures/stitches with external pledget pro closed ok
4 Mar 17 '12 ita>eng tecnica a paracadute parachute(-like) technique pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '09 ita>eng Riabitata relocated pro just_closed no
- Jan 19 '09 eng>ita sinus node nodo senoatriale pro closed ok
4 Dec 24 '08 eng>ita bundle branch block blocco di branca pro closed ok
- Dec 4 '08 eng>ita implantation rate il valore statistico degli impianti pro closed ok
- Sep 11 '08 ita>eng che si riabita in via retrograda which relocates backwards pro just_closed no
NP Aug 1 '08 eng>ita reverse shunt of blood through the chambers of the heart shunt circolatorio inverso attraverso le camere cardiache pro open no
- Jun 25 '08 ita>eng in esiti as results pro closed ok
- Jun 14 '08 eng>ita tip-and-run protection, lieve/debole protezione pro closed ok
4 May 12 '08 ita>eng EMISINDROME MOT SIN SIARTRIA left motor hemisyndrome pro closed ok
- May 12 '08 ita>eng devizione capo dx right-hand head deviation pro closed ok
4 May 12 '08 ita>eng coronarie indenni undamaged coronary arteries pro closed ok
4 Oct 10 '07 ita>eng Rientramenti sottocostali Subcostal cavities pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '07 eng>ita stenotic valvular disease disturbo da stenosi valvolare pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered