Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 5 '08 chi>eng 主观恶性 subjective intent (to commit a crime) pro closed ok
- Aug 12 '08 chi>eng 专业性很强 highly technical pro closed no
4 Jul 22 '08 chi>eng 退运 ship back pro closed no
- Jul 18 '08 chi>eng 前验后管、守法便利 inspect first, supervise later, making compliance convenient pro closed no
- Mar 4 '08 chi>eng 社会各界 all segments of society pro just_closed no
- Feb 29 '08 chi>eng 有无 whether or not there is/are any pro closed no
- Feb 27 '08 chi>eng 比照 follow the example of / take a page from pro closed no
4 Feb 23 '08 chi>eng 退件通知 notice of dismissal (of a case, etc.) pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '08 chi>eng 法律红线 legal red line pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '08 chi>eng 市調處及偵查中 (at) the municipal field office and in the course of investigation pro closed ok
- Nov 23 '07 chi>eng 自益信托 living trust easy open no
- Oct 29 '07 chi>eng 审级上的救济 relief (may be sought through) the appeals (process/system) pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '07 chi>eng 送达回证 proof of service pro closed no
- May 9 '07 chi>eng 进行无罪辩护 plead not guilty pro closed ok
4 May 2 '07 chi>eng 认定 has determined, maintains that (it has), decision pro closed ok
- May 2 '07 chi>eng 督促 be pushed pro closed ok
- Apr 26 '07 chi>eng 中央司法警官学院 Central Institute for Correctional Officers pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered