Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jun 13 '10 eng>ara reliable اعتمادا pro closed ok
- Jun 13 '10 eng>ara criminal property الممتلكات المغتصبة pro closed ok
- Jul 9 '09 eng>ara County courts at law المحاكم الإقليمية للسلطة القاونينة pro closed ok
- May 17 '08 eng>ara Company’s Level of Authority (“LoA”) مستوى سلطة الشركة pro closed ok
- May 17 '08 eng>ara jointly represent يمثلا معا pro closed ok
- May 17 '08 eng>ara strictly in accordance to مطابقة بكل دقة pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '08 ara>eng الممارسات الكيدية cunning/deception practices pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '08 eng>ara rule-setting وضع القوانين او الأحكام او القواعد pro closed no
- Apr 4 '08 eng>ara showing up المشاركة او الوجود الفعال pro closed ok
- Mar 30 '08 fra>ara sous balle et sous corde بضاعة ما زالت في قوالبها او علبها لم تفتح بعد pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '08 ara>eng التزامها باستخدام التقنيات المناسبة to be committed to use suitable technology pro closed ok
- Feb 24 '08 eng>ara investigation leads دلائل او ادلة التحقيق pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '08 ara>eng ادارة مكافحة التزييف والتزوير anti-(combating)counterfieting and forgery department pro closed ok
4 Jan 30 '08 ara>eng حد الحراب Hirabah penalty pro closed no
- Jan 26 '08 ara>eng الام اولى بحضانة ....تم الاقربون درجة Then relative of the first degree pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '08 ara>eng عدم إحقاق الحق Being unjustice pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '08 eng>ara basic level المرحلة الأولى pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '08 eng>ara Fringerprinting Agency Department وكالة قسم البصمات pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '08 ara>eng على سند من القول written or verbal proof pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '08 eng>ara pre-registration إجرآت ما قبل التسجيل pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '08 eng>ara input days مساهمات يومية pro closed no
- Jan 2 '08 eng>ara to dwarf يختزل، يقلل من الشأن pro closed ok
- Dec 31 '07 eng>ara references العودة الى او الرجوع الى او الإشارة الى pro closed ok
- Dec 31 '07 eng>ara has been attached to provisions أرفقت بشروط الزواج pro closed ok
4 Dec 29 '07 fra>ara à bon droit commun حسب القانون العام او المحلي pro closed no
- Dec 26 '07 eng>ara statute of limitations التقادم المكسب او التقادم المسقط pro just_closed no
- Dec 16 '07 ara>eng statment of claims وثيقة دعوى pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered