Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
2 Jun 22 '07 deu>eng Strangsanierung repair / replacement of reticulation system pro closed no
- Mar 9 '03 deu>eng Bedarfsgegenstaende der Lebensmitteltechnischen Gesellschaft Society for food technology - consumer goods pro closed no
- Dec 26 '02 eng>deu surveying literature Fachliteratur im Bereich des Vermessungswesens pro closed ok
4 Dec 17 '02 deu>eng Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sonderabfall...der Länder Working Group ... hazardous waste disposal pro closed no
- Dec 12 '02 deu>eng Versorgungsschacht vertical supply shaft pro closed no
4 Dec 9 '02 eng>deu Nutzungsfähigkeit (BUE Nutzungseffizienz easy closed ok
- Dec 6 '02 eng>deu internal and soil test B requirement of rapeseed Boranspruch (pflanzlich und Bodentest) pro open no
4 Aug 16 '02 eng>deu crucible lift Tiegelschere / Tragschere pro closed no
- Aug 5 '02 deu>eng Wildgewässer pristine waterway pro closed ok
- Jun 13 '02 eng>deu briefing note Informationsblatt pro closed no
4 Apr 26 '02 eng>deu catastrophic geology Katastrophentheorie; katastrophenbedingte geologische Prozesse pro closed ok
- Apr 16 '02 deu>eng Entlastung des Prüfungsberichts enclosures supporting (the findings of) the audit report pro closed ok
- Apr 1 '02 deu>eng Wasserbereiter Aerobic water purifier easy closed ok
- Mar 30 '02 deu>eng fachlichen area of expertise pro closed ok
- Mar 21 '02 deu>eng vergütete Werkstoffe quenched and subsequently drawn steel pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '02 deu>eng das Gelände in einen ordnungsgemäßen Zustand versetzen rehabilitate / decontaminate the site pro closed ok
- Feb 21 '02 deu>eng vergleichsweise relatively pro closed ok
4 Feb 9 '02 deu>eng Diplomurkunde vs. Diplomzeugnis (BSc. / Masters /xxx) certificate vs. academic record easy closed no
- Jan 29 '02 eng>deu organic (eg. organic growth) biologisch-organisch pro closed ok
- Jan 17 '02 deu>eng Baugrundgeologisches Gutachten geotechnical survey report pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '02 deu>eng mikrobiologische Grenzwertüberschreitungen exceedance of threshold value(s) for microbiological parameter(s) pro closed ok
4 Dec 12 '01 deu>eng Hinwendung to be dedicated to easy closed no
- Nov 26 '01 deu>eng abgepottern ruthlessly ripped off easy closed no
- Nov 22 '01 deu>eng am Arsch der welt at the arse end of the world easy closed no
4 Oct 31 '01 eng>deu typical of the well-drained slopes and thin, slightly acidic soils associated typisch für die gut entwässerten Hanglagen und geringmächtigen, leicht sauren Böden,... easy closed no
4 Sep 26 '01 eng>deu ona time and materials basis Dienstleistungen werden auf der Basis von Material- und Leistungsaufwand abgerechnet. easy closed no
- Sep 2 '01 deu>eng Muckis brawn (n.); brawny (adj.) easy closed no
- Aug 20 '01 deu>eng Bebauungsgebiet area earmarked for residential development easy closed ok
4 Aug 19 '01 eng>deu their new cd will be realesed in 2 weeks. It features some super songs Ihre neue CD, mit einigen super Songs, wird in zwei Wochen herauskommen. easy closed no
4 Aug 19 '01 eng>deu They are a rock group who want to share there music Diese Rockband möchte ihre Musik mit Euch teilen. easy closed no
4 Aug 19 '01 eng>deu Their names are marnie, Stefan, James, Karl and Stefanie Sie heißen Marnie, Stefan, James, Karl und Stefanie. easy closed no
- Aug 19 '01 eng>deu in this wonderful band there are five members Diese tolle Band hat fünf Mitglieder easy open no
- Aug 12 '01 deu>eng verkörpern typify / stand for / are representative of pro closed ok
4 Jul 10 '01 deu>eng schlechte Leistungen werden toleriert und selten benegelt bad performance is tolerated and not often criticised easy closed no
- Jul 8 '01 deu>eng Richtung This doesn't sound like a complete sentence pro closed ok
- Jul 3 '01 deu>eng Bst. Bestimmung pro closed no
4 Jul 3 '01 eng>deu hay score; hay points Punktezahl unter dem "Hay"-System pro closed ok
4 Jun 26 '01 eng>deu Environment Canada / Domestic Substances List Umweltbehörde/Umweltamt Kanada; Liste von Haushaltsprodukten pro closed no
4 Jun 8 '01 deu>eng Holztechnik wood technology or wood processing technology easy closed no
4 Jun 6 '01 eng>deu soils engineer Bodenmechaniker pro closed ok
4 May 30 '01 deu>eng Diplompruefung Examination relation to the academic degree of BA or BSc easy closed no
4 May 17 '01 deu>eng grünlippige Neuseelandmuschel New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel pro closed no
- May 15 '01 deu>eng mehrtägige Schnupperpraktika short-term work experience pro open no
2 Apr 30 '01 deu>eng Soviel zur Kritik; lauen ; Treurer (whole sentence) This is it on the topic of criticism (performance review) / dealing with / more expensive easy closed no
- Apr 28 '01 deu>eng Spurenbereich detection limit suitable for trace element analysis pro closed no
- Apr 27 '01 eng>deu air head eine Luftnummer easy closed no
- Apr 19 '01 eng>deu threshold values...frequency-probability plots in accordance with standard stati Grenzwerte / Häufigkeit / Wahrscheinlichkeit / Diagramm pro open no
4 Apr 23 '01 deu>eng general meaning of sentence When sending documents by regular mail / using regular mail,... easy closed no
- Apr 18 '01 deu>eng nachsorgende Umwelttechnik end-of-pipe pollution control technology pro open no
- Apr 10 '01 deu>eng Anzeigepflicht requirement to notify the relevant Aviation Authority easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered