Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Dec 5 '08 hun>eng csodadoktor psychic surgeon pro closed no
- Nov 18 '07 eng>hun stop fishing for compliments ne tetszelegjen easy closed no
4 Oct 11 '07 eng>hun *sigh* sóhaj pro closed no
4 Jul 11 '07 hun>eng Móricz: Rokonok Relations pro closed ok
- Jul 3 '06 hun>eng betűkódokkal nyitható henger cryptex pro closed no
- Apr 25 '05 eng>eng arms ending in huge fists arms pro closed no
4 Mar 30 '05 eng>hun pedantic folly tudálékosság/vaskalaposság/kukacoskodás/kicsinyesség lenne úgy vélni / azt képzelni/állítani hogy pro closed no
4 Feb 19 '05 eng>hun Master Mad and Raw Road Lásd lent pro closed ok
- Nov 28 '04 eng>eng we eat to live rather than live to eat. one should eat to live, and not live to eat (Moliere) pro closed no
- Nov 24 '04 hun>eng beteges ragaszkodas pathological attachment to sg pro closed ok
3 Oct 15 '04 eng>eng more than a five-inch rectangle of paper not just a five-inch rectangle of paper pro closed no
- May 25 '04 eng>eng 42 Addition to the previous answere pro closed ok
4 Apr 22 '04 hun>eng jancsi j6ntSi easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered