Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 19 '09 eng>eng New Support Pack Cluster a cluster (of services) that includes the new support pack changes pro just_closed no
- Jan 7 '09 deu>eng Brennfolie CD/DVD labels pro closed ok
4 Jan 7 '09 deu>eng Beispielsverstösse/exemplarische Verstösse example violations / example non-compliances pro closed ok
4 Oct 28 '08 deu>eng Freigabe „ENPO“ ENPO enable signal pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '08 deu>eng Randparameter Genral constraints pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '08 eng>eng List of Months with Amount of Clients by Status Clients by month & status easy open no
- Oct 2 '08 deu>eng Arbeitsvor- und -nachbereitung job preparation and cleanup pro closed no
- Sep 15 '08 eng>eng Bus probably derived from an electrical bus pro closed no
- Apr 16 '08 eng>eng Is the user prevented to change the “YYY” field? can user modification of the YYY field be blocked? easy closed no
- Mar 11 '08 eng>eng This system allows for the simultaneous management question and comment pro closed no
- Mar 11 '08 eng>eng without any errors logged in the journal which have not been fixed without any unresolved errors logged in the journal easy closed ok
- Feb 25 '08 eng>eng The alert is created and it is displayed on the... created and then displayed pro closed no
4 Feb 4 '08 deu>eng von der Zeit aufgespannt defined by spatial, task-specific business/application and time axes pro closed no
- Jan 21 '08 deu>eng Befehlszustand command state pro closed ok
4 Oct 26 '07 deu>eng im Zugriff halten cached pro closed ok
4 Oct 3 '07 deu>eng vorwärtsadaptiv forward adaptive pro closed ok
4 Mar 20 '07 dut>eng ketentest integration test, end-to-end test pro closed no
- Feb 18 '07 eng>eng "key-stroke" vs. "key stroke" vs "keystroke" comment pro closed no
NP Nov 15 '06 dut>eng zandloper hourglass easy closed ok
4 Nov 15 '06 deu>eng Informierung reword pro closed no
4 Oct 28 '06 dut>eng doorklikkers speed-clickers pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '06 eng>deu motor modification explanation pro closed ok
4 Oct 19 '06 deu>eng Lebensbyte Leben (life) byte pro closed ok
4 Aug 31 '06 deu>eng Datenfach data mailbox pro closed ok
4 Aug 27 '06 deu>eng Bereichszeiger comment nfp pro closed no
- Aug 25 '06 deu>eng Fehltelegramm faulty telegram pro just_closed no
4 Mar 17 '06 deu>eng untereinander interconnected pro closed ok
4 Mar 8 '06 deu>eng gesetzt selected pro closed ok
4 Mar 8 '06 deu>eng Warenkorbkopfmerkmal shopping cart header attributes pro closed ok
- Jan 20 '06 deu>eng geführter Modus 'show-me' mode pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '06 eng>eng a phrase another explanation pro closed no
4 Dec 7 '05 deu>eng Fronttastatur front-panel keypad pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '05 deu>eng frontseitiges USB front-panel USB (ports) pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '05 deu>eng Eingabehilfe support for 'input assistance' pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '05 deu>eng Rumpfdaten base data, root data, incomplete data pro closed no
4 Oct 9 '05 deu>eng Rücksicherung restore / restoring data from... pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '05 eng>eng dissolution resolution pro closed no
4 Sep 2 '05 eng>eng Matches your needs to the best technology makes the best match between what you need and the available products/technology pro closed no
- Jul 20 '05 dut>eng JMS Schil JMS shell pro closed ok
- Jun 14 '05 deu>eng Hersteller producer pro closed ok
4 May 10 '05 deu>eng Portal portal pro closed ok
- Apr 21 '05 deu>eng weiterverlinken connect/link indirectly pro closed ok
- Apr 16 '05 deu>eng USV-Stromfilter UPS / surge suppressor pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '05 deu>eng Schnittvariante typefaces pro closed no
4 Mar 6 '05 eng>eng Domino shop organisation or operation using Domino pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '05 deu>eng Hersteller ***(company name) - context question comment pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '05 dut>eng de tekening van de uitgevoerde staten process flow chart pro closed ok
4 Jan 18 '05 dut>eng NK's en CPU's numerical controllers and CPUs pro closed ok
- Jun 9 '04 deu>eng Medienbrueche (terrible sentence) comment pro closed no
- Apr 21 '04 deu>eng Oktand octant easy open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered