Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 23 '04 jpn>eng must-have 欠かせないもの pro closed ok
4 Sep 30 '03 jpn>eng please need suggestion ...due to an error in the... easy closed no
- Apr 10 '03 jpn>eng 債権者、債務者 Shouldn't it be debtor and debtee? So it sounds like a pair. pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '03 jpn>eng すべての升目について同様に繰り返す Repeat for all the cells in the same manner. easy closed ok
2 Apr 8 '03 jpn>eng 関連して修正対象となった書類 Documents that need revision after being linked/related easy closed no
4 Apr 8 '03 jpn>eng how to frame the translation Fields such as name and address that must be entered in Japanese. easy closed no
- Mar 28 '03 jpn>eng すきあり Off guard easy closed no
- Mar 28 '03 jpn>eng 異常処理手順 Error processing sequence pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '03 jpn>eng Art cannot be taught exercise after exercise Art cannot be learnt through exercises. easy closed ok
- Aug 16 '02 jpn>eng AddrGroupSettingのアイテムに...... Add GroupSettingID for specifying the registered records in the adddress group in the AddrGroupSettt pro closed no
- Aug 13 '02 jpn>eng どのキー.... The key to be referred for branching process might be partially dependent on the Servlet. Therefore, easy closed no
- Aug 9 '02 jpn>eng そのインターフェースを利用する方法が複雑な場合も多々あります。 There are a number of methods to use the interface which might be complex at times. pro closed ok
4 Aug 6 '02 jpn>eng それを.... I think if it is used in the following way, it should be OK. pro closed no
- Aug 6 '02 jpn>eng 次節から.... I think kangaekata should be translated as concepts pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '02 jpn>eng 削除指定受付日時 Date and time of receiving specification of deletion easy closed ok
- Aug 6 '02 jpn>eng ktsStr.hおよび‘10.ACD接続ハンドル情報’の頁を参照のこと Please refer to the pages of ktsStr.h and 10. ACD connection handle information. easy open no
4 Aug 6 '02 jpn>eng 構造体....... The number of arrays of the structure must secure the number of requests and refer the database easy closed no
- Aug 5 '02 jpn>eng SOチームとの打合せ内容反映 Points discussed in the meeting with SO team easy closed no
- Aug 2 '02 jpn>eng 乙欄 乙 second/latter party pro closed ok
- Jul 31 '02 jpn>eng 印刷する ...has a 'Test Print' for printing the first page only easy closed ok
- Jul 31 '02 jpn>eng 内容。。 Although the image should be legible, it may not practically possible due to processing time and dat easy closed no
4 Jul 22 '02 jpn>eng translation check Whenever there is a fault, one might end up wasting a lot of time and effort in trying to hurriedly easy closed no
- Jul 16 '02 jpn>eng ドラムはいずれも2つ割式でロープ溝付です。 Both the drums are split-style and equipped with rope. pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered