Asked | Open questions | Answered
Date Pair Term Level Status Answers (undeclined) Gloss
Aug 28 '08 eng>ita Tetrahydroxylpropyl pro closed 1 ok
Aug 27 '08 eng>ita Benzalchonium Chloride pro closed 1 ok
Aug 27 '08 eng>ita ceateryl alcohol pro closed 1 ok
May 15 '08 eng>ita Swinging skirt pro closed 4 ok
May 15 '08 eng>ita Neon peach pro closed 3 ok
May 15 '08 eng>ita seersucker pro closed 3 ok
Apr 4 '08 eng>ita Coated jeans (URGENTE) pro closed 3 ok
Apr 3 '08 eng>ita Blonde (stocking) pro closed 2 ok
Apr 2 '08 eng>ita Home (first link in a menu) pro closed 5 ok
Mar 31 '08 eng>ita office operations pro closed 2 ok
Mar 30 '08 eng>ita Copy and print rooms pro closed 4 no
Mar 26 '08 eng>ita soft seating pro closed 4 ok
Mar 7 '08 eng>ita serviced private executive office pro closed 2 ok
Feb 26 '08 eng>ita ....get yourself working pro closed 3 ok
Feb 25 '08 dan>ita Kontorfælleskab pro open 0 no
Feb 20 '08 eng>ita Join (in a text with lots of "voi") pro closed 1 ok
Feb 19 '08 eng>ita we would like to hear from you (in context) pro closed 4 ok
Feb 18 '08 eng>ita "in the box on the right of your screen" (ugly rime) pro closed 3 ok
Feb 18 '08 eng>ita Office space pro closed 4 ok
Feb 18 '08 eng>ita business center pro closed 4 ok
Aug 21 '07 eng>ita the idea thing pro just_closed 3 no
Aug 21 '07 eng>ita run along pro closed 3 ok
Aug 21 '07 eng>ita take on the heat pro closed 3 no
Aug 21 '07 eng>ita Call on the night pro closed 7 ok
Jul 12 '07 eng>ita jaw joint pro closed 2 ok
Jul 8 '07 eng>ita decreasing more in volume over distance pro closed 1 ok
Jul 5 '07 eng>ita "It might sound quite dramatic... pro closed 5 no
Jul 5 '07 eng>ita "...straps at waist..." pro closed 2 no
Feb 22 '07 dan>ita Lændesvajet pro closed 0 ok
Jan 3 '07 eng>ita processed garments pro closed 2 ok
Jan 3 '07 eng>ita fabric storage rooms pro closed 2 ok
Jan 3 '07 eng>ita the higher or more stringent requirements pro closed 2 ok
Jan 3 '07 eng>ita senior management position pro closed 1 ok
Apr 26 '05 ita>eng sentence for a cv - 2 easy closed 1 no
Apr 26 '05 ita>eng sentence for a cv easy closed 1 no
Jun 16 '04 eng>ita urgentissimo: "business" easy closed 1 ok
Feb 23 '04 eng>ita spun tobaccos pro closed 1 ok
Feb 23 '04 eng>ita cut plug pro open 0 no
Feb 23 '04 eng>ita aromatic top flavour pro open 0 no
Feb 22 '04 eng>ita "loose cut" pro closed 2 ok
Nov 2 '03 ita>dan ancora oggi, a distanza di tanti anni.... easy closed 1 ok
Oct 18 '03 eng>ita "she took a run" easy closed 2 ok
Oct 4 '03 eng>ita do you have IE 6 italian? pro closed 2 no
Sep 9 '03 dan>ita farvestrålende dekorationer easy closed 3 ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered