Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 22 '13 deu>eng intelligent zusammengefasst werden smartly pooled pro closed ok
NP Sep 16 '11 deu>eng Modellierbarkeit Plasticity pro open no
- Sep 5 '11 deu>eng WE-protokol Protocol of Receipt of goods pro closed ok
- Aug 25 '11 fra>eng Intervenant Participant or contributor pro closed no
- Apr 20 '11 fra>eng mode bouchonné Plugin mode pro open no
- Dec 15 '09 fra>eng étanchéité Hermetic sealing pro open no
- Dec 9 '09 deu>eng "Kabel mit voller Belegung" Cable fully laid out pro just_closed no
- Nov 11 '09 deu>eng Virtuelle Absicherung Virtual validation pro closed no
- Nov 10 '08 fra>eng l'utilisation transversale Across-the-board usage pro closed ok
- Aug 29 '08 fra>eng démarche d'industrialisation des tests Industrialisation process of tests pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered