Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 24 '19 ron>eng a privilegiului vanzatorului de imobile, the right of the seller of the immovable property pro closed ok
4 Jul 27 '15 ron>eng Va transmitem ancheta Please find attached... easy closed ok
4 May 18 '14 ron>eng după sânge biological children pro closed ok
1 May 18 '14 ron>eng am făcut noian de spurcăciuni I have perpetrated a multitude of evils pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '14 ron>eng Să nu ne lăsăm luați de valul lumii acesteia! Let us not go with the waves (of this world)! pro closed ok
4 Aug 21 '13 ron>eng agent ture serviciu (Customs) Watch Supervisor pro closed ok
2 Apr 7 '13 eng>ron pop beads mărgele interşanjabile pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '13 eng>ron follow through a urmări până la capăt pro closed ok
4 Feb 22 '13 eng>ron attention-grabbing percutant, şocant, neobişnuit, ieşit din comun, etc. pro closed ok
- Jan 26 '13 ron>eng la cumpana anilor as the year turns, when the year turns around pro closed no
4 Jan 21 '13 fra>ron honteux bieti nevoiasi pro closed no
4 Jan 9 '13 fra>eng "controverse annoncée" controversy foretold pro closed no
4 Mar 10 '10 ron>eng visina sour cherry liqueur pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '09 eng>ron Wow Super! Grozav si altele... easy closed ok
4 Oct 14 '09 eng>ron house style stilul (adoptat) al companiei/agentiei de traduceri pro closed ok
- Jul 27 '09 eng>ron under reserve vmj pro closed ok
- Nov 6 '08 eng>ron ahead of its time cu conceptii moderne/vizionare; care a vazut mai departe pro closed no
- Aug 6 '08 fra>eng montée de la droite emergence of the right pro closed ok
4 Apr 22 '08 ron>eng incidenta lustratiei Incidence of Lustration pro closed ok
- Mar 23 '08 ron>eng primim titluri executorii we receive enforcement orders pro closed ok
- Mar 23 '08 ron>eng incidente de plata payment incident pro closed ok
3 Mar 22 '08 ron>eng cu cantec obscure, dubious pro closed ok
- Mar 9 '08 fra>eng eh-bien, tant pis oh well, so be it! easy closed ok
- Feb 4 '08 eng>eng tell stories out of school ma ia gura pe dinainte pro closed no
4 Feb 2 '08 ron>eng declaraţie publică public statement pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '08 fra>eng un concept de... a concept of ... pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '07 fra>eng est tenu de liable for easy closed no
- Oct 25 '07 fra>eng à maints égards for various reasons/from various points of view/in various respects easy closed no
- Sep 3 '07 fra>eng j'en passe I'll spare you the details easy closed ok
- Jun 21 '07 fra>eng classique dressy pro closed no
- May 13 '07 fra>eng quoiqu'il en soit nevertheless easy closed no
- May 7 '07 fra>eng enjeux existentiels existential challenges pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '07 fra>eng sortir des affaires get stories out pro closed ok
- Jan 26 '07 fra>eng sortir des affaires to get out of covering public affairs pro closed ok
- Sep 8 '06 eng>fra mind trick truc mental pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '06 fra>eng passage obligé essential stop off pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered