Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Dec 2 '09 eng>ara International Retail Banking and Financial Services الخدمات المصرفية والمالية الدولية للأفراد pro closed ok
- Jun 10 '09 ara>eng رهنا حيا زيا pledge pro closed ok
4 Apr 2 '09 ara>eng مطلوبات غير متداولة non-current liabilities pro closed no
4 Aug 11 '08 eng>ara Reporting entity غير ملزمة بإعداد تقارير مالية pro closed no
- Jul 18 '08 ara>eng التسييل encashment pro closed ok
2 Jul 15 '08 eng>ara credit crunch الضائقة الائتمانية pro closed ok
4 Jul 2 '08 eng>ara underlying الأداة المالية الأساس pro closed ok
- Apr 7 '08 ara>eng رصيد مدور carried forward (balance) pro closed ok
4 Apr 6 '08 eng>ara undertaking as per Attachment No.1 التعهد المبين/الوارد في المرفق رقم 1 pro closed no
4 Apr 2 '08 eng>ara investment SPV شركة استثمارية ذات غرض خاص pro closed ok
4 Mar 25 '08 eng>ara due and payable مستحقة وواجبة السداد/الأداء pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '08 eng>ara captive insurance companies شركات التأمين التابعة الخاصة pro open no
- Feb 11 '08 eng>ara unrealized investment استثمار غير مسيل pro closed ok
- Jul 18 '07 eng>ara government's pension obligations and contingencies التزامات واحتياطات صندوق التقاعد الحكومي pro closed no
4 Jun 18 '07 eng>ara funding type نوع التمويل pro closed ok
4 Jun 10 '07 ara>eng تحمل التكلفة bear cost easy closed ok
- Jun 4 '07 eng>ara last distributed profit shares آخر توزيعات حصص الأرباح pro closed ok
4 Jun 4 '07 eng>ara account type: Participation نوع الحساب: مشاركة pro closed ok
- May 30 '07 eng>ara microfilms أفلام مصغرة pro closed ok
4 May 9 '07 eng>ara proceeds of realisation عوائد التسييل pro closed ok
- Feb 9 '07 eng>ara industry-leading margins هوامش الربح الأعلى في الصناعة pro closed no
- Feb 9 '07 eng>ara bays جزئين pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '07 ara>eng دين آجل/حالي long-term/current liabilities pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '07 eng>ara Exposure to الموجودة على شكل pro closed ok
3 Dec 11 '06 eng>ara Senior Trader مضارب أول pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '06 ara>eng معدل دوران المخزون وعمر أيامه turnover ratio pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '06 ara>eng قيد احتياطي precautionary attachment pro closed ok
4 Dec 7 '06 ara>eng صندوق استثمار mutual fund pro closed ok
4 Aug 23 '06 eng>ara Building Society مؤسسة تمويل عقاري pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered