Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 13 '08 rus>eng н/о NA pro closed no
4 Oct 14 '07 rus>eng Фильтр осушенной ППФ 1-F4001 А/В 1-F4001 А/В filter of dried PPF pro closed ok
- Jul 5 '07 eng>rus bottom fishing покупка ценных бумаг, курс которых достиг "дна" pro closed ok
4 Jul 5 '07 eng>rus of the case in question рассматриваемого дела pro closed no
- Jul 3 '07 eng>rus hexagonal reducing bush шестигранная переходная втулка pro closed ok
4 Jan 29 '07 eng>rus school education см. pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered