Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 3 '09 fra>eng les soudards des "Grandes compagnies" the mercenary troops of the "Free Companies" pro closed ok
- May 18 '05 ita>fra insediamenti terramaricoli cités lacustres pro closed ok
- May 12 '05 ita>fra centenaro centenier ou viguier pro closed ok
- May 10 '05 fra>eng Finition par l'entourage Finishing touches by his disciples pro closed ok
- May 10 '05 fra>eng testa head pro closed ok
4 May 10 '05 fra>eng sr sieur pro closed ok
4 Apr 23 '05 ita>eng capitolo chapter pro closed ok
- Mar 24 '05 fra>eng fait d’actualité enjoys currency pro closed ok
4 Nov 6 '04 eng>fra before the court appointed for the trial of the king of Delhi devant le tribunal nommé pour le procès du roi de Delhi pro closed no
- Sep 24 '04 fra>eng il lui donna son ampleur ; il fixa son destin c.i.o. below pro closed no
- Aug 1 '04 fra>eng la vie seigneuriale Not for grading pro closed no
4 Jul 30 '04 fra>eng En me renversant, ils n'ont abattu que le tronc de l'arbre de la liberté..... "They have only felled the trunk of the tree (of the freedom of the blacks); branches will sprout, f pro closed no
- Jun 14 '04 ita>eng See phrase not for grading pro closed no
4 Jun 5 '04 ita>eng tra il mondo di sopra e il mondo di sopra between the netherworld and the upper regions easy closed ok
4 Jun 3 '04 ita>fra Il feudo consisteva in 1432 fuochi. Le fief se composait de 1432 feux. pro closed ok
- May 29 '04 ita>eng tessitoi e fabbriche di pannilana weaving mill pro closed ok
4 May 29 '04 ita>eng folli e fulloni fulling stock pro closed ok
- May 29 '04 fra>eng aveu No translation, additional information pro closed ok
- Mar 28 '04 ita>eng grosso gros see explanation below pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '04 ita>eng due grossi venti denari denarius, denarii pro closed no
4 Feb 23 '04 ita>fra governatore gouverneur pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered